Antiwar Forces, Unite

Tom Woods brings to attention an organization callled The Antiwar League, whose mission “is to promote the creation of a new Antiwar League that unites the left and the right in principled opposition to the plans of the Republicrat Warmonger Party for perpetual war.” Their “goal would be not to capture the highly centralized warmaking power of the federal government but to dismantle that power.”

This is just what is needed right now. has been serving such a purpose since its existence, bringing together antiwar forces left and right, linking to The American Conservative as well as Counterpunch, publishing liberals, conservatives and libertarians with a common opposition to the warfare state.

War is liberty’s most dreaded enemy, to paraphrase James Madison, and the authoritarian State’s best friend. To defeat the perpetual war and imperialism that comprise the worst threat to American peace, civility and freedom, we must put our differences aside somewhat, and work with people across the spectrum on the central issue at hand. I urge you to check out the Antiwar League, and read some of the articles they link to –– in particular, “The Antiwar Movement Takes Shape” by Justin Raimondo, and “Recalling the Anti-Imperialist League” by Stephen Bender.

There are warmongers on both left and right, and both major political parties are simply factions of a single War Party, dominating America. To stop this madness we need a political realignment, with war, empire and the national-security state together constituting the principal line of demarcation.