Until the King Speaks …

While we’re all waiting for the Dear Leader to come down from the mountain and deliver his address to the nation on his plans for Afghanistan, I thought I’d alert my readers to my blogging for The Hill – Capitol Hill’s newspaper of record – where I’ve been contributing my thoughts on “The Question of the Day.” Both today’s and yesterday’s question was about Afghanistan, so please go check it out, here and here.

That should give you something to do while I’m writing up my response to Obama’s prime time address. Since the speech isn’t being delivered until 5 pm PST, my response will be posted a few hours after that.

Will Obama Out-BS Bush?

Obama’s speech from West Point tonight may drive the final wooden stake into liberals’ hope that their guy would create a Brave New Order in Washington and the world.

The fact that Obama is following in Bush’s footsteps – talking to an audience of captive individuals who would be ruined for life by a single catcall – is a sign of how archaic hope for change and reform has become.

If Obama honestly admitted that he is sending American boys to die to help assure the profits of drug kingpins like Karzai’s brother, I could at least respect the president’s candor.

But the odds of truth breaking out during Obama’s visit to West Point are slim and none – and “Slim just left town,” as Dan Rather says.