Snowden: UFO Balloons ‘Engineered Panic’ To Distract From Nord Stream Revelations

From today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Former NSA whistleblower has gone on record accusing the US government of engineering the “balloon wars” scare to detract attention away from Seymour Hersh’s explosive investigative report detailing how the US White House plotted and blew up the Nord Stream pipelines – an act of terrorism or war against Russia and Germany. Also today: wasting millions to shoot down phantom balloon “threat.” And US to send propaganda special forces into Ukraine.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

10 thoughts on “Snowden: UFO Balloons ‘Engineered Panic’ To Distract From Nord Stream Revelations”

  1. UFO crap is a distraction, period. Getting people to care about this ridiculous nonsense just gets their minds off of real issues.

  2. Anyone who knows this was a distraction also knows the us blew up nordstream. Getting thru to the general public is impossible.

    1. I wouldn’t say impossible, but very difficult, yes. People in the U.S. are severely brainwashed with the most sophisticated and ubiquitous propaganda in the world, and are therefore the most misinformed people in the world. To paraphrase (I believe) Mark Twain, it’s much better to be uninformed than to be misinformed.

  3. Dr. Paul, the EPA often does not do the job it is supposed to do. But putting private property owners in charge instead is definitely not the answer. It is a failure of our government to support and strengthen the EPA. Private corporate interests and corporate money are the problem. You can talk with my friends in West Virginia about this. They can give you an earful if you’re interested.

    1. “Private corporate interests and corporate money are the problem.”

      They’re part of the problem, but definitely nowhere near the root cause. If people insist on living unnaturally, they will continue to harm and destroy the environment. The EPA shouldn’t even exist, because it shouldn’t be needed, because people shouldn’t be doing things that cause unnatural environmental harms to begin with. That‘s the real problem here, and the rest is pretty much rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

  4. The American people don’t realize China has airline pilots flying over the US everyday 24/7 delivering products and people from China.

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