Congress Moves Toward Automatic Registration for a Military Draft

[Excerpt from the summary released by the Senate Armed Services Committee of the version of the NDAA for FY 2025 approved by the SASC and to be voted on by the full Senate.]

A proposal to expand registration for a possible military draft to young women as well as young men is moving forward again this year in Congress, along with a seductively simple-seeming but in practice unfeasible proposal to switch from the current system in which young men are required to register with the Selective Service System (SSS) to a system in which the SSS tries to identify and locate everyone eligible for a future draft and automatically register them based on other existing Federal databases from the Social Security Administration, IRS, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, etc.

Friday both the U.S. Senate Armed Service Committee and the full U.S. House of Representatives approved different proposals to expand and/or make it harder to avoid the requirement for men ages 16-26 to register with the Selective Service System for a possible military draft.  The House vote was 217-199.

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GOP Moves To Defund Ukraine ‘Enemies List’ NGO – More Political Theater?

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Faced with broad outrage after a US government-linked Ukrainian NGO published an “enemies list” containing the names of several Members and Senators, the US House GOP moved yesterday to ban any further funding to the NGO. But… they will leave the rest of the funding for Ukraine intact. That’s DC partisan smoke and mirrors for you. Also today: NATO’s insane F-16 plan for Ukraine – will it spark WWIII?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW to the RPI 2024 DC Conference.

Korean Atomic Bomb Victims Seek Justice

On June 8th, 2024, in Hiroshima, Japan, The International People’s Tribunal On The 1945 Atomic Bombings met with the goal of holding the United States accountable for the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This People’s Tribunal focuses on the Korean bomb victims, 100,000 of whom were forcibly taken from their homeland by the Japanese to work in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the war and were subsequently exposed to the A-bomb blasts.

The recent Tribunal gathering in Hiroshima consisted of legal scholars from Germany, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, discussing legal theories to hold the United States accountable for violating international law for the 1945 atomic bombings, and attempting to establish the illegality of current nuclear threats and nuclear weapon states.

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They’re Arresting the Wrong People Inside of Congress

I was arrested again inside of Congress for speaking out against US-backed genocide. Myself and others were brutally tackled and carried out of the room by Capitol Police. I was charged with “crowding, obstructing, or incommoding” for speaking out and holding a sign as the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense testified in Congress for more money for the endless US war machine.

While they are arresting peace activists for exercising first amendment rights they are making plans to host Netanyahu – a war criminal with an actual arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court.

Photo by: Celâl Güneş

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