New Hampshire House of Representatives Passes ‘Defend The Guard’

Defend The Guard has just passed the New Hampshire House of Representatives in a 187-182 vote!

H.B. 229 would prohibit the deployment of the New Hampshire National Guard into overseas combat unless Congress first votes to declare war.

The third largest legislative body in the English-speaking world has just struck an incredible blow against the DC empire.

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Defend the Guard Act Passes Montana House Committee

Yesterday the House Energy, Technology, and Federal Relations Committee of the Montana House of Representatives passed H.B. 527, the Defend the Guard Act, and the bill will proceed to the House floor. This bill would prohibit the deployment of the Montana National Guard into overseas combat missions without a declaration of war by Congress as required by Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.

The final vote was seven to six, with Chairwoman Katie Zolnikov (R-District 45), Rep. Steven Galloway (R-District 24), Rep. Paul Fielder (R-District 13), Rep. Larry Brewster (R-District 44), Rep. Greg Kmetz (R-District 38), Rep. Casey Knudsen (R-District 33), and Rep. Robert Phalen (R-District 36) voting in favor, and Rep. Paul Green (R-District 41), Rep. Laurie Bishop (D-District 60), Rep. Derek Harvey (D-District 74), Rep. Josh Kassmier (R-District 27), Rep. Kelly Kortum (D-District 65), and Rep. Katie Sullivan (D-District 89) voting against.

You can watch the complete hearing here.

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New Hampshire Veterans Testify Against Unconstitutional Wars

(Boise, Idaho) – On Friday, January 20 the State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee of the New Hampshire House of Representatives held a committee hearing on H.B. 229, the "Defend the Guard Act." If passed, this bill would prohibit the deployment the New Hampshire National Guard into active combat without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

You can watch the complete hearing here.

"I myself am a Vietnam veteran, which precedes the National Guard being called up for ‘whatever.’ And I don’t like the ‘whatever.’ There should be a reason why they’re called up, and [there] should be justification with the Congress. Vietnam was a war whether they had a declaration of war or not, it was a war. I have enough friends who are on the wall in Washington. They died for a cause," Rep. John Potucek (R-Rockingham 13), the bill’s primary sponsor, told the committee. "I didn’t know a lot about the Guard problem until I got involved in this, and the folks from Bring Our Troops Home sent me this very, extremely informative booklet on defending the Guard. And it’s now called the Defend the Guard bill."

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Veterans Group Says Good Riddance to Liz Cheney

Yesterday was a very important day.

It’s the day the America First movement exiled the most despicable, most debased Swamp Monster on Capitol Hill.

Yesterday Liz Cheney lost renomination for Congress after three terms of using and abusing the people of Wyoming.

The reason is simple: voters are tired of fighting endless wars.

They’re tired of spending trillions of dollars in the Middle East and Central Asia while they struggle to fill their own gas tank or complete a grocery shopping list.

They’re tired of seeing their sons and daughters in uniform come home physically, mentally, and spiritually broken by war.

Or often, not come home at all.

Liz Cheney has been a face of the War Party for years.

Continue reading “Veterans Group Says Good Riddance to Liz Cheney” Co-Founder Endorses ‘Defend the Guard’

(Boise, Idaho) – Today Eric Garris, longtime libertarian activist and Director of, formally endorsed the "Defend the Guard" movement.

The Defend the Guard Act is state-based legislation which would prohibit the deployment of a state’s National Guard units into active combat without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. As of February 14 it has been sponsored in eleven states for the 2022 legislative session, and is on track to be introduced in over forty states by the end of the year.

"For over 25 years has reported on the proliferation of endless, undeclared war in the Middle East and around the world," said Garris. "I believe one of the most effective ways of stopping these unconstitutional wars of choice is through ‘Defend the Guard’ legislation. It is the responsibility of states to stand up to the federal government and tell DC that the National Guard will not be sent to war until Congress declares it."

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Veterans’ Group Responds to Liz Cheney: ‘Put Up or Shut Up’

(Boise, Idaho) – Today Bring Our Troops Home, a national organization of Global War on Terror veterans, called on Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney to stop using the U.S. Constitution "as a media prop" and support congressional war powers as stated in Article I, Section 8.

"It is time for Liz Cheney to either put up or shut up. In a weak attempt to defend herself after the Republican National Committee rebuked her, Cheney tried to claim she was standing on constitutional grounds. It is a lie," said Sgt. Dan McKnight, Chairman of Bring Our Troops Home.

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