You Can’t Make This Up: Kerry and Saudi Prince Pledge to Fight Extremism After Orlando Shooting

Here is further proof that US foreign policy fact is stranger than fiction: one day after the Orlando shooting where some 50 patrons of a homosexual bar were gunned down, US Secretary of State John Kerry sat down to dinner with with Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Washington, D.C. and, according to the State Department, “discussed this weekend’s shooting in Orlando and expressed their shared commitment to continue their cooperation in combatting the spread of violent extremism, both regionally and internationally.”

Yes, the same country that follows as a matter of official policy the exact treatment of homosexuals as was meted out by the Orlando shooter has expressed concern over extremism!

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Ron Paul Interviews Rep. Walter Jones: A Champion of Peace

Some years ago, Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) did the unthinkable in Washington: he admitted he was wrong and he determined to make amends for what he viewed as a great mistake. He believed the neocon lies about the danger Iraq posed to the US and he voted for the war back in 2002. Very soon he realized how he had been lied to and he dedicated himself to the cause of peace. He has since personally written more than 11,000 letters to the families of those killed or wounded in the wars. This year the neocons targeted him in his primary race, supporting a Republican challenger who would do as the neocons wished. Jones demolished the neocon last week and he already has big plans for the next Congress. The Liberty Report sits down with Rep. Jones on this very special edition to discuss what’s next for the antiwar Republican (and Ron Paul Institute Board Member):

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul on Rep. Walter Jones – The Neocon Slayer

Bill Kristol of Neocon Central thought he had Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) in his sights. He backed a Republican primary challenger to the North Carolina antiwar Republican (and RPI Board Member) and brought on board the likes of Haley Barbour, Karl Rove, Ari Fleischer, and Sarah Palin. They huffed and they puffed but they could not blow the principled Walter Jones down. He not only beat their candidate, but he beat him by over 50 percentage points! More on what Jones’ victory means in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report. (Note: Ron Paul’s Liberty Report will post an extensive interview with Rep. Jones over the weekend).

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Playing With Fire: NATO Launches Massive Wargame In Russia’s Backyard

Some 31,000 troops and thousands of military vehicles are taking part in NATO’s “Operation Anakonda 2016” in Poland this week. It is the largest NATO operation since the end of the Cold War and it is taking place not far from Poland’s border with Russia’s Kaliningrad. US generals swear it is just a “defensive” exercise and there is nothing for Russia to be concerned over. How would the US feel about a similar Russian/Chinese military exercise in Mexico? We ponder this and more in Ron Paul’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul on How Muhammad Ali Won His Greatest Fight

At the height of his popularity, in a move that destroyed his fame and fortune, Muhammad Ali refused to step up to the white line when his name was called. In so doing he was making it clear that he would not go to Vietnam to fight Washington’s war. He refused to be drafted. What have the Viet Cong ever done to me, he asked. It was one of the greatest acts of defiance to Washington’s war machine — and ever since then the war-promoters have made sure it could not be repeated. Media coverage of war has been sanitized, billions are spent by the Pentagon to propagandize the American people, the “enemy” is relentlessly demonized. History has already shown that Ali’s battle against this unholy murder machine is the most important fight of his life. More today on his legacy in today’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Obama Hands Corrupt Ukraine Another Billion US Dollars

One of the downsides of the US “regime change” business is that when you break it, you often have to buy it. It’s all fun and games when you wander through the streets of Kiev with a bag of cookies encouraging the people to overthrow their government, or when you appear on stage before a riotous mob and alongside avowed national-socialists violently overthrowing a democratically-elected government.

What gets messy is when you get your way, the old government is overthrown, your “guys” seize power, and it turns out corruption and economic mismanagement are worse than before the US-backed “liberation.”

So what do you do when interventions go badly? If you are the US government spending other people’s money, you simply escalate. In Libya and Iraq, that means going back in with US boots on the ground.

Continue reading “Obama Hands Corrupt Ukraine Another Billion US Dollars”