Mitch McConnell: ‘Name Russia State Sponsor of Terrorism!’

Fresh off his trip to Kiev, wandering the streets of a supposed war zone with America’s adopted “hero” Zelensky, Senate Minority Leader out-hawked Biden’s hawks, demanding the Russia be named a “State Sponsor of Terrorism.” Does he even understand what the term means? Also today: Sen. Paul brutalized for just suggesting we keep track of the billions we send to Ukraine.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Biden Sets New Rules on Targeting Russians

After a series of Administration “leaks” regarding US involvement in the killing of Russian generals and the sinking of the Moskva, the Biden Administration is seeking to plug the leaks and to clarify the types of intel it would share with Ukraine. The goal is to avoid becoming a party to the war. But has that ship already sailed? Also today: prepping in Alaska to fight Russia and China… and Biden’s ‘Disinfo’ Czar wants to edit your Tweets.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

‘Want Some Money?’ US House Passes Massive $40 Billion In Ukraine Military Aid!

With just 57 “no” votes – all of them Republicans – the US House last night in a rushed vote ADDED nearly eight billion dollars to Biden’s massive $30 billion Ukraine military bill. This represents some eight times the ANNUAL Ukraine military budget! Also today: Biden claims fighting inflation his top priority. Shock poll shows Americans don’t care who wins in Ukraine.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Dark Origins of Biden’s New ‘Ministry of Truth’

Yesterday Sen. Rand Paul hammered Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkis over the Agency’s creation of a “Disinformation Governance Board” – i.e. a government-run ministry of truth. A new article in Politico reminds us of a dark era in US history when a very similar government entity was created…to disastrous results. Also today…US official admits Washington is helping kill Russian generals. What could go wrong?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Biden Visits Lockheed: ‘Make More Javelins for Ukraine!’

President Biden visited a Lockheed-Martin weapons manufacturing plant yesterday, praising the workers and demanding Congress hand him $33 billion MORE to send to Ukraine. It’s all about jobs, Biden said. Meanwhile, Russia has warned that NATO transports inside Ukraine delivering weapons are legitimate military targets. What could go wrong? Also today: According to a new poll, Americans aren’t buying the “Putin’s price hike” explanation for inflation.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Escalation! Rep. Kinzinger Drops ‘War With Russia’ Bill in the US House

US Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) has introduced an authorization for the use of force against Russia bill in the US House, allowing President Biden to take the country to war with the nuclear-armed country in the case of a bio/chemical/nuclear attack on Ukraine. What about the danger of false flags? Also today: US training Ukrainian troops in Germany, Ghost of Kiev unmasked, and Pelosi takes on the bullies.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.