On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report: America wasn't meant to be an empire, but a land of individual liberty. Empires destroy liberty. Why must our money be taken from us for weapons and endless war? Our money shouldn't be taken from us at all, let alone for that! Why...
Ron Paul on Biden’s Poor Diplomacy With China
On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report: President Biden exhibited poor diplomacy (again); this time by calling Chinese President Xi a "dictator," while Xi was still here in the U.S.! Whether Xi is or isn't a "dictator" really has nothing to do with Americans. That's an...
Where Do You Get Your News? Who Do You Trust?
The answer for me and my staff has been the same for many years: Antiwar.com. I read Antiwar.com every day because it's the best way to get a handle on the news without the steady barrage of propaganda that is served up nearly everywhere else. Do you want to know the...
Ron Paul asks: Who Is Provoking WWIII?
From the Ron Paul Liberty Report. Ron is joined by co-host Chris Rossini: While economically suffering at home, Americans are being plundered to finance Ukraine's war against Russia to the tune of over $100+ BILLION so far. Meanwhile, the U.S. government plans to...
Ron Paul Says Learn From Europe’s Misery: Trade Is Superior to Sanctions
The policy of harming and isolating Russia has backfired hard on Europe. This should provide a learning opportunity for Americans. In an interconnected world, it's never good policy to bite the hand that feeds you. Americans should keep this in mind when considering...
The Biden Doctrine: ‘New World Order or Nuclear Armageddon?’
Ron Paul Institute founder Ron Paul addresses the 4 June 2022 conference: The Biden Doctrine: New World Order or Nuclear Armageddon?
Ron Paul asks: Is Putin the New Coronavirus?
President Biden’s “maskless” State of the Union signifies the near-end of the COVID tyranny we have lived under for the past two years. Fortunately for Congress, the President, and the Federal Reserve, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is replacing COVID...
Ron Paul on The Economic Consequences of Senseless Wars
Former Congressman Ron Paul on the economic causes and consequences of war.
Trump’s Record Spy Budget – What Do We Really Get For $86 Billion?
The Trump Administration has requested a huge increase in the US spy budget, including a whopping $23 billion for the "black" budget. The reasons given are the increasing threats from Russia and China. Does all this spy spending really protect us...or is it just...
Assange Under Siege… Where Is Justice? Ron Paul Talks With Lew Rockwell
What kind of justice system do we have in the US when publishers of the truth that government does not want you to know are threatened with imprisonment and even the death penalty? Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell discuss the terrible and shameful treatment of publisher,...