John V. Walsh

Left, Right and Prospects for Peace


John V. Walsh, Professor of physiology at UMass and regular contributor to Counterpunch, discusses the left and right, the Democrats and Republicans, realignment against the empire, the push for an invasion of the Sudan and that time Bill Clinton bombed their antibiotics factory – sentencing untold numbers of people to death from easily curable diseases.

MP3 here. (45:15)

John Walsh, a frequent contributor to and, is a member of the Green Rainbow Party of MA. He is also a member of Physicians for a National Health Program. Some years ago he ran for U.S. Congress and won the endorsement of the Boston Globe.

Bizarre Article of the Day

On June 10-11, United for Peace and Justice is taking part in a rally in DC urging an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. You can read all about the rally here.

Now, have a look at this article from ynet, and keep in mind, they’re talking about the same rally. Classy take, right? I especially like the cropped AP stock photo with swastikas prominently displayed in the background.

Elsie DeLaere

Nation Building and Salt Pit Dungeons


Elsie DeLaere from Amnesty International describes the humanitarian catastrophe [.pdf] in Afghanistan, the salt pit dungeon and other secret prisons, torture, executions, famine, air strikes, the reemergence of the Taliban, the emergence of the “United National Front” in opposition to Hamid Karzai’s “presidency,” the plight of women and children, widespread corruption, the degree to which locals favor the U.S. occupation or don’t.

MP3 here. (36:38)

Elsie DeLaere has traveled to Afghanistan multiple times to instruct new teachers and represents Amnesty International.

Grim Milestone: GI Deaths in Iraq Pass 3,500

Three more GIs were killed in action, bringing the tally of U.S servicemembers who have died serving in Iraq passed 3,500 deaths.

The DOD reported that three more GIs were killed today, and four were killed yesterday.

These figures come from Pentagon announcements and were confirmed by the Website ICasualties, which now puts the total US dead in Iraq at 3503.

Larisa Alexandrovna

The Not So Secret Covert War Against Iran


Larisa Alexandrovna, investigative reporter for, discusses the not very secret covert war against Iran, the “have the military do it instead of the CIA” loophole in the oversight statutes, different levels of covert operators, the outsourcing of terrorism to the MEK and Jundullah, in Iran, Fatah al-Islam in Lebanon, why it seems it was Cheney’s crew who leaked the story of this “new” CIA finding to Brian Ross last week and more.

MP3 here.

Larisa Alexandrovna is a journalist, essayist and poet. She is currently managing news editor for Raw Story, and contributes regularly to other publications in the alternative press. She also hangs out at her blog, At-Largely.

Her work is cited by mass media outlets such as Rolling Stone, New York Times, Mother Jones, and other notable publications. She is best known for her reporting on domestic intelligence issues and foreign military affairs.