Mark Boal

The Real Cost of War: The pain of shell shock and the US government’s war against its soldiers

Journalist Mark Boal talks about his article for Playboy, “The Real Cost of War,” about the suffering of American troops from “Post-traumatic Stress Disorder” and the government’s attempt to deny their pain to maintain the media narrative about how great wars is.

MP3 here. (31:11)

David Barsamian

Targeting Iran: Just got back, they don’t want war

David Barsamian of talks about his recent trip to Iran and his forthcoming book Targeting Iran.

David Barsamian is founder and director of Alternative Radio, the independent award-winning weekly series based in Boulder, Colorado. He is a radio producer, journalist, author and lecturer. He has been working in radio since 1978. His interviews and articles appear regularly in The Progressive and Z Magazine.

His latest books are Imperial Ambitions with Noam Chomsky and Speaking of Empire & Resistance with Tariq Ali and Original Zinn with Howard Zinn. His earlier books include Propaganda and the Public Mind: Conversations with Noam Chomsky; Eqbal Ahmad: Confronting Empire and The Decline and Fall of Public Broadcasting.

The Institute for Alternative Journalism named him one of its “Top Ten Media Heroes.” Barsamian lectures on U.S. foreign policy, the media, propaganda, and corporate power in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, India and Europe. He is the winner of the ACLU’s Upton Sinclair Award for independent journalism, the 2006 Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Award and the Cultural Freedom Fellowship from the Lannan Foundation.

MP3 here. (37:04)

Gareth Porter

Burnt Offering: In 2003 Iran tried to make peace, US rebuked neutral messenger.

Historian Gareth Porter explains the Iranians’ cooperation with the United States after 9/11 and their attempt to make peace in 2003, which included putting Iran’s nuclear program, support for Hamas and Hezbollah and recognition of Israel on the table for negotiation, and how the Bush administration – including Rice and Rove – rebuffed it.

MP3 here.

Gareth Porter, a historian and journalist, writes regularly on U.S. policy in Iran and Iraq for Inter Press Service. His most recent book is Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam.

Michael Schwartz

Baghdad Surges into Hell: First Results from the President’s Offensive.

Michael Schwartz discusses his article “Baghdad Surges into Hell: First Results from the President’s Offensive,” the Sadrists’ tactic of withdrawing for the time being, the administrations’ goals for future control Iraqi resources.

MP3 here.

Michael Schwartz, Professor of Sociology and Faculty Director of the Undergraduate College of Global Studies at Stony Brook University, has written extensively on popular protest and insurgency as well as on American business and government dynamics. His books include Radical Protest and Social Structure, and Social Policy and the Conservative Agenda (edited with Clarence Lo). His work on Iraq has appeared on numerous Internet sites including, Asia Times, Mother Jones, and ZNet; and in print in Contexts, Against the Current, and Z Magazine.

Scott Ritter

Target Iran: Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter discusses the Bush/Cheney plan for regime change in Iran.

Scott Ritter, former weapons inspector and author of Target Iran: The Truth About the White House’s Plans for Regime Change, says it is a deception that the U.S. government is concerned about Iran’s nuclear program or that they mean to use diplomacy to put an end to it, but instead is determined to have regime change in that country regardless. He also discusses some of the likely consequences if America does attack.

Transcript here.

MP3 here. (60:45)