Cindy Sheehan and the threat of peace

The debate continues to rage in the blogs over the number one Technorati search topic, Cindy Sheehan. Fortunately one of my favorite bloggers, Michael Dietz of Reading A1, sorts through the most interesting of the clashes, that of John Cole of Balloon Juice vs. Andrew Northrup of The Poorman:

Radical grief. 

So I come to check the blogs of a silly Saturday, when you don’t expect much to be happening, and hey lookee, there’s been something of a dust-up: at The Poor Man, The Editors has administered a righteous and thoroughly deserved ass-whupping to John Cole, on the occasion of this rancid little screed re: Cindy Sheehan, in which Cole rips off the mask of thoughtfulness and civility that had seduced a few lefty bloggers (er, ahem, harrr) into thinking he was some sort of reachable conservative.  So thoroughly did The Poor Man eviscerate the poor man, so petulant and incoherent the victim’s response, that anything further from me would be piling on.

Allow me, then, to pile on.

Read, as they say, the rest.

The Huffington Post has a Sliming Cindy update.  If you were wondering just how low the HawkBlogs could go in their insane, desperate quest to Joe Wilson Cindy Sheehan, here’s the answer.  I must admit that I don’t understand how Cindy and her husband separating is relevant to Cindy’s confrontation with G WMD Bush any more than I could understand how Valerie Wilson’s identity had anything to do with whether Niger sold  yellowcake to Iraq or not.  I guess you have to have a secret Republican Wingnut Family Values Decoder ring or something.


Sibel Edmonds Speaks and Bob Dreyfuss Explains

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show I’ll be talking with Sibel Edmonds about the new Vanity Fair article which finally disclosed the reason for her gagging: The corruption of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. National Security indeed.

In the second hour I’ll be talking with veteran reporter Bob Dreyfuss about the FBI investigation into the Israeli spies operating out of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee and the Department of Defense.

Update: The show’s over, archives here. I need a fast typist to write up a transcript of the Sibel Edmonds interview. I’ve already got it started for you. When I asked her whether she thought that the unnamed State and Defense Department officials in her case were tied in any way to the AIPAC spy scandal, she replied:

“Absolutely. And I cannot go into any details – and maybe some other investigative journalist … will come here an do the rest of this article – but even the AIPAC spy scandal as far as I’m reading today is just touching the surface of it. It’s going only to a certain degree. It doesn’t go high enough, in what it involves and how far it goes, and that’s as far, and the best – as far as I can explain.”

Later in the interview, around the time we were discussing what she can’t say about September 11th, Edmonds said that when her story is finally told, it will make the AIPAC scandal look “lame” in comparison.

Green Day’s Anti-Recruitment Video

The Rude Pundit

Simple. A bit sappy. And as effective as a mallet to the head. Or that bleeding heart grenade on the cover of the album itself.

We have entered the hottest part of the summer. Between this, a song on the Rolling Stones’ new album, and Cindy Sheehan’s vigil at Crawford, Texas, we’ve also entered a season of discontent and resistance. At last.

See the video here.

Click on “Wake me up when September ends” in Latest News or click here for broadband Windows Media version.

Sibel Edmonds Speaks and Bob Dreyfuss Explains

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show I’ll be talking with Sibel Edmonds about the new Vanity Fair article which finally disclosed the reason for her gagging: The corruption of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. National Security indeed.

In the second hour I’ll be talking with veteran reporter Bob Dreyfuss about the FBI investigation into the Israeli spies operating out of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee and the Department of Defense.

Listen live 4-6 pm eastern time


Atlanta Antiwar Action in Solidarity With Cindy Sheehan

Report by Debbie Clark

Atlanta war mothers and antiwar activists held a press conference and protest in front of the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Decatur, Georgia today in a show of solidarity with Cindy Sheehan, currently camped outside of George Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas.  The event was organized by the Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition/Atlanta; Military Families Speak Out; Veterans For Peace Chapter 125; Gold Star Families For Peace, Atlanta WAND, and the Atlanta International Action Center.

The press conference was moderated by Rev. Timothy McDonald, national chair of African American Ministers in Action.  Also speaking was Patricia Roberts of Lithonia, Georgia, mother of Army Spc. Jamaal Rashard Addison, the first Georgian killed in Iraq, on March 23, 2003; Mary Ann MacCombie of Atlanta, whose son Sgt. Ryan M. Campbell was killed in Iraq on April 29, 2004; and Howard Wolf, a Veterans For Peace member, former Navy combat pilot who served two tours in Vietnam, and father of a combat pilot who is preparing for his fourth tour in Iraq next year.

An AP article covering this protest is currently located at the Channel 11 (Atlanta) news station website.

A shorter version of this AP article is also available with a video clip covering the action in Atlanta interspersed with video clips of Cindy Sheehan. (Look on the left and click on the video entitled, “Mother of soldier killed in Iraq protests in front of Bush’s ranch.”  This will take you directly to the video.)

Fox 5 Atlanta covered this event as well; however, coverage does not appear on their website. The Fox 5 coverage of this on television on the ten o’clock news contained a good clip of Patricia Roberts speaking, with Mary Ann MacCombie standing behind her. The Fox 5 news clip was also interspersed with video clips of Cindy Sheehan’s protest in Crawford.

Atlanta activists are currently discussing the possibility of sending a contingent of activists to Crawford, Texas to support Cindy Sheehan in her request to speak with George Bush about bringing the troops home now. Ms. Sheehan remains camped outside of his ranch where he is vacationing and the president has thus far declined to come out and speak with her or invite her in from the hot sun. Two high-level aides, national security adviser, Stephen Hadley, and deputy chief of staff, Joe Hagin, did come out to speak with Ms. Sheehan on Saturday. 

Amy Branham, a Gold Star Families For Peace member from Houston, Texas who attended the Veterans For Peace convention in Dallas and accompanied Cindy Sheehan to Crawford on Saturday, provided with an exclusive photograph of this meeting, which took place when no media were present.