More Red-State Fascism

One of the ads on the right side of Instapundit just caught my eye. In it, an attractive model wears a T-shirt that reads:

The C in ACLU is a hammer and sickle.

Since when is communism anti-state? And since when do conservatives, much less self-styled libertarians, consider “enemy of the state” a pejorative?

Lew Rockwell is right:

    The most significant socio-political shift in our time has gone almost completely unremarked, and even unnoticed. It is the dramatic shift of the red-state bourgeoisie from leave-us-alone libertarianism, manifested in the Congressional elections of 1994, to almost totalitarian statist nationalism. Whereas the conservative middle class once cheered the circumscribing of the federal government, it now celebrates power and adores the central state, particularly its military wing.

Of course, no one ever accused these people of ideological coherence.

Other shirts from the same site: Peace Through Superior Firepower (why not “peace through free trade” or “peace through minding our own business”?), US Military World Tour, An Idea Whose Time Has Come, Patriots/Evildoers, Why’s Our Oil Under Their Soil?, First Iraq, Then France.

Their War Party and Ours

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show, 3-5 pm Texas time (that’s central) I will, in a case of the most blatant interest-conflicting nepotism, be interviewing my boss, Justin Raimondo, all about the neoconservatives, and how they lied us into war in Iraq.

In the second hour, I’ll be talking with Peter Lance about his book A Thousand Years for Revenge, and the history of bin Laden, Yousef, Rahman, Zawahiri, etc.

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Iraqi Parliament approves partial cabinet

Reports say that Iraq’s Parliament has approved 27 actual ministers of less contentious ministries and approved “acting” ministers to the important and highly controversial ones. Oddly, (or not?) over a third of Iraqi MPs were not present for the vote according to the AP, which reports that a show of hands vote on the cabinet was taken among the 185 assembly members (out of 275 elected and 273 that remain after one resignation and one assassination) who showed up.

Apparently Ibrahim al-Jaafari’s Sunni choice for defence minister was rejected and Jaafari will be acting defence minister as well as Prime Minister. And, the Iraqi who just won’t go away, former Pentagon pet turned Shiite statesman Ahmed Chalabi will have the oil ministry as “acting” minister.

‘Happy Abu Ghraib Day’

[H]ow far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?
Gen. Dwight Eisenhower

Arthur Silber documents the mass scamper over the cliff of civilization. A sample (and hardly the worst) from Rush Limbaugh’s show of April 26:

    CALLER: How you doing Rush?

    RUSH: Pretty good, Kevin.

    CALLER: Love to talk to you.

    RUSH: Thank you.

    CALLER: I just want you to know that we are going to have our Abu Ghraib barbecue party tonight and we are going to be playing nude Twister.

    RUSH: (Laughing.) How many people you got coming?

    CALLER: Well, I figure we only need 8 or 10 to make it a rip roaring time. I thought that would be kind of fitting.

    RUSH: Yeah. Nude Twister? Big Abu Ghraib barbecue. (Laughter.) Okay. And that’s from Oregon. Progress here.

Would George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or hell, Ronald Reagan be proud to call these people their countrymen, much less supporters?