About the Sgrena shooting..

Must read post on the Sgrena shooting:

More Anti-Military Slurs from the MSM

And, a question about the US account of the shooting. From a US military statement, quoted in Jeanne D’Arc’s post on the shooting:

About 9:00 pm, a patrol in western Baghdad observed the vehicle speeding towards their checkpoint and attempted to warn the driver to stop by hand and arm signals, flashing white lights, and firing warning shots in front of the car. When the driver didn’t stop, the soldiers shot into the engine block, which stopped the vehicle, killing one and wounding two others.”

Sgrena describes this as a “hail of bullets.”

However, Signora Sgrena, who was hit in the left shoulder, said that “300 to 400” bullets had been fired “without any justification” by a US patrol as the unmarked car approached Baghdad airport, where American and Italian intelligence officers were waiting for them.

Surely the US military took a picture of the car. Shouldn’t they release the photos of the car?

Putting Israel First

My friend Arthur Silber points me toward the ravings of one Kay Arthur, a popular “Christian Zionist” author and minister, at the convention of the National Religious Broadcasters:

“Perhaps the most startling moment of the morning was an appearance by popular Christian Zionist author, Kay Arthur of Precepts Ministries. ‘I love America,’ Arthur said, her voice quivering with emotion. ‘But if it came to a choice between Israel and America, I would stand with Israel.’ While the crowd applauded tepidly, I looked around and saw more than a few faces cringing with embarrassment. Arthur went on to read excerpts from the Book of Revelations, painting a surreal image of Jesus seated in a throne floating above Jerusalem, rapturing all the world’s true believers up to Heaven. She left the fate of unreconstructed Jews to the imagination.”

Israel’s amen corner in the U.S. is going to be doing a lot more cringing if David Corn, columnist for The Nation, is right. He cites a Washington Post report by David Ignatius that “more than a half-dozen officials in the Bush administration who are apparently suspected of leaking classified information to AIPAC have had to retain defense lawyers,” and writes:

“Six Bushies on the run? That sounds like major news. But no details have leaked out. So let me contribute in my own small way. A reliable source of mine reports that he recently chatted with one of the principle figures in the investigation and that this fellow said the AIPAC scandal was about to “blow up,” meaning there would be new, noteworthy developments that presumably would generate headlines. The person talking to my source was in a position to know and in a position to hope for the opposite. Consequently, I would assign a fair degree of confidence to this person’s prediction. If that comes to pass, perhaps the Washington media will finally get around to providing more thorough and penetrating coverage of this potential scandal.”

Here, at the intersection between religion, ideology, and treason, is where American politics gets truly … weird. One thing I have to wonder is how and why anyone who is genuinely and sincerely pro-Israel would want to get mixed up with such nutballs. Kay Arthur is the Ward Churchill of the pro-Israel Right, and yet she is intimately connected with all sorts of pro-Israel coalitions and action groups. The Israeli government sent an official representative to the NRB convention.

Pentagon gun will inflict pain from mile away

The sadists at the Pentagon can always be counted on to explore exciting new ways to kill and torture people;

The weapons involve Pulsed Energy Projectiles (PEPs), which fire a laser pulse that in turn generates a burst of expanding plasma when it hits something solid. It can cause temporary paralysis and knock a person off their feet. But documents uncovered by the Sunshine Project, a biotechnology watchdog, also reveal that the same technology could be used to kill a person.

Supposedly, it’s only being explored as an option in its non-lethal version, but in a time of great need I’m sure the lethal variety would be developed and deployed.
The report goes on to say;

A 2003 review of non-lethal weapons by the US Naval Studies Board, which advises the Navy and Marine Corps, said PEPs produced “pain and temporary paralysis” in tests on animals. The $500,000 (£260,000) study looks to optimise this effect and discover how to generate a pulse which triggers pain nerves without damaging tissue. The contract adds: “Pain is a primary component of all non-lethal weapons.”

I’m all for testing this weapon on two conditions;

  • It must never go beyond the testing phase,
  • Rather than testing on animals, the tests must be conducted on politicians

“Hate Crime” riddle

Q: How is a Hate Crime by Muslims in New Jersey Like WMD in Iraq?

A: Neither of them exist, but right-wing nutbags believe every erroneous report that they do.

Mithras, via Atrios

Reading Mithras’ post brought to mind this example from the now-infamous GOPUSA website, home of ex-White House Bureau Chief Jeff James Gannon Guckert, which also hosts a…well, writer, whose bio reads like a Who’s Who of righty piety:

Barbara Stock is a working registered nurse with 24 years of experience.

She is the mother of two grown sons and two grandchildren.

Barbara will be contributing editorials and articles to her local Women’s Republican Party for the upcoming election cycle.

Barbara is a regular contributor to AmericanDaily, ReNewAmerica, Bushcountry, RepublicanDailyNews, The Judson Cox Newsletter, and Prudent Politics. She has also been published on Intellectual Conservative, TownHall, New Republic, Israeli News, and even the Retired NYCFD website.

Barbara has her own webpage called Republican and Proud, thoughtfully linked by GOPUSA.com. Notice the lovely little graphic in the lower left that Barbara uses to decorate her website:


US shooting of Sgrena “not justified”

Giuliana Sgrena speaks:

Sgrena, the 56-year-old correspondent of the communist daily Il Manifesto, told Italian investigators the US troops’ intense fire had been in no way justified by the speed of her car, ANSA news agency said.

“Our vehicle was running at normal speed which could not be misunderstood,” she said, rejecting US fears of a possible suicide attack.

“It wasn’t a checkpoint but a patrol which immediately opened fire after they trained their light on us,” Sgrena said.

The US military said Friday Sgrena’s convoy had ignored signals to stop, and that US soldiers had waved their hands and arms, flashed white lights and fired warning shots in a failed attempt to get the vehicle to stop.

But Sgrena told RaiNews24 television Saturday that a “hail of bullets” rained down on the car taking her to safety at Baghdad airport, along with three Italian intelligence officers, killing one of them.

“I was speaking to (officer) Nicola Calipari (…) when he leant on me, probably to protect me, and then collapsed and I realized he was dead,” said Sgrena, who was being questioned on Saturday by two Italian magistrates.

“They continued shooting and the driver couldn’t even explain that we were Italians. It was really horrible,” she added.

Il Manifesto chief editor Gabriele Polo branded the intelligence officer’s death a “murder”.
“The Americans and Italians knew about (her) car coming,” Pier Scolari said on leaving Celio hospital.

“They were 700 meters (yards) from the airport, which means that they had passed all checkpoints.”

Friday’s shooting was heard by Berlusconi’s aides who were on the phone with one of the intelligence officers, said Scolari. “Then the US military silenced the cellphones,” he charged.

“Giuliana had information, and the US military did not want her to survive,” he added.