Extra! Extra!

James Taranto of the War Street Journal puts a little wiggle in his EEG!

UPDATE: I do take issue, by the way, with Taranto’s assertion that suicide bombing is a “particularly horrific” kind of murder–it may be particularly terrifying, since you never know when or where it might happen, but it’s no more horrific than, say, firing a missile into an apartment complex. (Unless, as Taranto suggests, you get all choked up about the self-inflicted death of the poor bomber.)

“Israbluf” leads to one state

Aron Trauring on “Israbluf” and why a two state solution for Israel and Palestine is likely impossible:

In an earlier post I talked about how Sharon’s unilateral withdrawel plan is an example of “Israbluf” – viz. the extraordinary capacity for Israeli governments to say one thing and do the opposite. Meron Benvinisti points out that while Bush and Sharon talk about “two states,” eveything they are doing guarantees that there will be one binational state in Israel/Palestine.

Of course, the demographic dilemma of the one-state solution means that Israel will no longer be a Jewish state.

NYT’s Mea Culpa?

Jack Shafer says the New York Times is planning to “reassess its pre-Iraq War coverage, particularly its coverage of weapons of mass destruction.” The Times might actually apologize for printing the drool Judith “Kneepads” Miller swilled from the likes of Mylroie and Chalabi. Unfortunately, that won’t bring back the 10,000+ dead Iraqis or 800-odd dead Americans whose blood, at least in part, is on the hands of the war cheerleaders and useful idiots like the NY Times’ Miller.