A Saudi Treaty Is a Dangerous Trap

The Biden administration won’t give up on one of the worst ideas in the world:

The Biden administration is close to finalizing a treaty with Saudi Arabia that would commit the U.S. to help defend the Gulf nation as part of a long-shot deal to encourage diplomatic ties between Riyadh and Israel, U.S. and Saudi officials said.

But the success of the diplomatic effort hinges on Israel’s commitment to a separate Palestinian state, and more immediately an end to the war in Gaza, an unlikely proposition amid months of fruitless cease-fire talks and an Israeli weekend raid to retrieve hostages from the heart of the territory.

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What Does Pushkin Have To Do With D-Day?

Those familiar with the great Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin’s biography would assume that the connection is his birthday date, June 6, the same as the beginning of the Normandy landing. But, as will be explained later, the connection is much deeper.

Given the growing threat that the Ukrainian conflict might escalate into nuclear WWIII, those looking for ways to avoid Armageddon suggested using the celebration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day to start the dialogue in search of peace. Indeed, Russia, at the time USSR, was an ally in the Battle of Normandy, shoring up the Eastern Front. However, when French President Macron hinted in May at the possibility of inviting Russia to attend the June 6 ceremony, it was immediately rejected by Washington and London. One should recall that British PM Boris Johnson, obviously in consultation with Joe Biden, prohibited Zelensky from signing the Stambul March 2022 Peace Accords. Signing would stop the war and save hundreds of thousands of lives, homes, and infrastructure, but it was sabotaged.

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US-Backed Ukrainian Group Makes ‘Enemies List’ of Americans!

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

The USAID and State Department-affiliated Ukrainian NGO “TEXTY” has just released an “enemies list” of hundreds of prominent Americans, including Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, the Ron Paul Institute, Tucker Carlson, and many more. Should Americans be forced to pay money to fund foreign NGOs that threaten American citizens? Also today: The US military participated in a deadly Gaza raid that killed nearly 300 civilians. Finally: Rep. Thomas Massie spills the beans on AIPAC’s influence on the Hill. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW to the RPI 2024 DC Conference.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Four Hostages Freed; 274 Palestinians Killed

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

If you have to kill 274 people to free four others being held hostage, is that a “successful” military operation? According to the Israeli and U.S. governments, it is.

Israel, apparently with some U.S. help, attacked the Nuseirat Camp in Gaza and freed four hostages seized by Hamas. In doing so, however, Israeli forces killed and wounded hundreds of unarmed men, women, and children.

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