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Updated February 28, 2024 - 9:00 PM EST
67% of US Voters Favor Permanent Gaza Ceasefire
  Israel, Hamas: Biden Spoke Too Soon About Potential Hostage Deal
  Hezbollah Would Halt Fire on Israel if Ceasefire Reached in Gaza
Egypt Threatens Group That Reported Sinai Camps
  Biden Memo Was to Avert Oversight of Support for Israel
  US Official Admits Only 85 Aid Trucks Entering Gaza Per Day
  Two Babies Die of Malnutrition in Northern Gaza Amid Israeli Siege
NATO Chief: No Plans for Combat Troops in Ukraine
  Yellen Wants Frozen Russian Bank Funds to Be Given to Ukraine
Senate Grills US Officials Over New Yemen War
item CIA in Ukraine: Is This Not a Provocation?  by Mark Episkopos
item Israeli Claim of 'Systematic Rape' By Hamas Relies on Debunked Reports  by Max Blumenthal
item Desperate for Peace: From Libya to Gaza  by Ashraf Nubani
item Japan-Russia Relationship Is US-Russia Relationship  by Reiho Takeuchi

More Viewpoints

US Army Cutting Force by 24,000 in Major Restructuring
UN Says Israeli Forces Stalled Evacuation Convoy, Forced Paramedics to Strip
One Quarter of Gaza's People One Step Away From Famine, UN Says
Every Child in Gaza Faces Starvation
Nagham Abu Samra: Palestine Karate Champion, Victim of Israel's War on Gaza
'Unjustified Tragedy' – Journalists Commemorate Colleagues Killed in Gaza
Hamas Says Leaked Gaza Truce Proposal Doesn't Meet Its Demands
Palestinian Authority Accelerating Plan to Govern Gaza Day After War: Analysts
Gaza Residents Fear Possible Truce Would Only Pause, Not Stop, the War
Hamas Rep. in Lebanon Says Paris Draft Leak Part of US Op
Inside the Democratic Rebellion Against Biden Over the Gaza War
Military Know-How Gleaned From Gaza War to Help Israeli Business, Says Minister
Watch: Surreal Images as Humanitarian Air Drop Over Gaza Falls Into Sea
What Is Israel's Military Censor, 'Restricting War Coverage'
Israel Holds Municipal Elections; War on Gaza Affects Turnout and Mood
Yellen: Israel Resuming Revenue Transfers to Palestinian Authority
Israel Troops Kill Three Palestinians in West Bank Raid
Israel Says China's Support for 'Right to Self-Defense' May Be Seen as Support for Oct. 7
US Treasury Head Claims Israel to Unfreeze PA Funds
Yellen Presses Netanyahu to Take Steps to Prevent Collapse of West Bank Economy
Palestinian Coalition Calls for 'Total Energy Embargo' on Israel
Reports Confirm Months of Israeli Torture, Abuse, Sexual Violence Against Palestinian Prisoners
Hamas Blames US for Death of 'Heroic' Airman Aaron Bushnell
Netanyahu, Responding to Biden, Says Israel's War Stand Has Wide US Support
Hostilities Mount on Lebanon Border as Hezbollah and Israel Swap Strikes
Lebanon's UNIFIL Says Escalation Between Israel and Hezbollah Puts at Risk Solution to Conflict
Hezbollah Says It Fired 'Large Volley' of Rockets at Israeli Surveillance Base
Analysts: Lebanon Bracing for More Deadly Conflict With Israel
Middle East
Saudi Arabia Puts 7 Men to Death in Largest Execution in Years
Four Charged With Transporting Iranian-Made Weapons Appear in US Court
Egypt Warns of 'Catastrophic Repercussions' if Israeli Attacks Rafah

After Five Months of War, Egypt Airdrops Aid Into Gaza

US Blacklists Canada's Sandvine for Technology Targeting Egyptian Activists
Ukraine Names New Head of Anti-Corruption Watchdog
Ukraine Withdraws From Two Villages Near Avdiivka, Military Says
Denmark's Nord Stream Probe Finds Sabotage, Not Enough Grounds for Case
Russia Orders Halt on Petrol Exports
Russian Activist Oleg Orlov Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison
United Kingdom
Sixth Alleged Russian Spy To Be Charged in UK
UK Home Secretary: You've Made Your Point – Now End Gaza Protests
Palestine Groups Stunned by Calls for UK Gaza Protest Limits
Greece Says It's Hoping to Nudge Ally Armenia's Alliances Westward
Czechs, Poles Not Considering Troops for Ukraine
Germany Confirms Probe Into Former Lebanon Central Bank Chief Salameh
Breaking Down $1.3 Trillion in NATO Defense Spending
Poland Mulls Wider Ban on Ukrainian Food Imports as Farmers Warn of More Protests
Two Serbs Sentenced Over an Attack on NATO-Led Peacekeepers in Kosovo
Pakistan Indicts Jailed Ex-PM Khan and Wife on Graft Charges
A Senior Police Officer and Two Wanted Pakistani Taliban Members Were Killed in a Shootout, Police Say
Pakistani Journalist Arrested for Social Posts Against Government Officials
Philippine Air Force Receives
C-130H Cargo Plane From US
China Urges Largest Nuclear States To Negotiate a 'No-First-Use' Treaty
Canada Rejects Kabul's Request to Control Afghan Embassy in Ottawa
The War at Home
8,000+ Soldiers Tested in Large-Scale Combat in Alaska
US Army Guard Grounds Helicopter Fleet After Two Crashes in Two Weeks
Air Force Member Who Died Protesting for Palestine Remembered During Vigil
Raytheon and Israeli Defense Company, Rafael, Start Missile Factory Construction in Arkansas
Activists Indicted Over Protest at New Hampshire Office of Israeli Defense Company
Latin America
Jair Bolsonaro Is Under Investigation in Brazil for Allegedly Harassing a Whale Off Sao Paulo
Two Mayoral Hopefuls of a Mexican City Are Shot Dead Within Hours of Each Other
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Ron Paul
After Two Years, Neocons Desperate for More War in Ukraine

Ramzy Baroud
‘Two-State Solution’ as a Distraction – The Problem Is Zionism

Ted Snider
Selecting Syrsky: The Untold Half of the Zaluzhny Story

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Ted Galen Carpenter
Refusing To Admit US Foreign Policy Blunders

Ray McGovern
Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine?

Daniel Larison
Biden’s Calls for Israel to Mind the Laws Appear Feeble, and Ignored

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

Sheldon Richman
Without the State, Who’d Drag Us Into Other People’s Wars?

David Stockman
To Hell With Fighting the Houthis!

Dave DeCamp
To Avoid a War With China Over Taiwan, the US Needs To Back Down

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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