Just Ask Saddam

As the US government seems to be having some trouble permanently pacifying the population of Fallujah, perhaps they could enlist their old pal Saddam Hussein for help. He’s an expert at pacifying a population using US and British supplies and training. Using a nominal number of US and British supplied weapons of mass destruction, Hussein could easily do a quicker, more efficient job than Allawi. Mr. Allawi only knows about killing people up close and personal-like. Remember that time when he produced a pistol and murdered a few blindfolded “militants” for the amusement of some surly policemen? That’s where his talents lie. Hussein, on the other hand, ruled the Iraqi population for years, and the way he did it was brilliant. He just phonied up a war against Iran, using nationalism and morality – you know, “we is good, they is bad” … come to think of it, just the way most politicians manage to phoney up wars. As soon as that war ended, Hussein immediately dummied up yet another war, this time against Kuwait. I mean this fella Hussein just has a natural talent for pacifying populations by creating enemies that are worse than he is. At best this fool Allawi is a talented executioner. If he were really smart, he would find a reason to have a war with Syria, perhaps to make the world safe for democracy. That one’s been used before, but people have a short memory.
Only the dumbest politicians attack their own populations when there are much better ones abroad. Since Allawi lacks the natural talent, Hussein is the go-to guy.

They’ve tried the rest, now try the best.