Debating the Senate Intel Russia Report

Pushback with Aaron Maté The Senate Intelligence Committee's final report on alleged Russian interference focuses on "a wide range of Russian efforts to influence the Trump Campaign and the 2016 election." Does the report advance our understanding of the Trump-Russia...

NYT Still Joking Around About Dead Americans in Afghanistan

Do they have editors at this paper anymore, or it's all just pre-packaged in Langley? In an article about three marines who should have never been in Afghanistan in the first place getting killed there in a suicide truck bombing last year, they 1 try to push their...

Shame On You, Charlie Savage

We all know you know better than to write such garbage as this. Someone says that "intelligence" says that the Russians are paying to have Americans killed in Afghanistan, huh? And you put your name on that? I mean sure, if you were David Sanger, but you're Charlie...

Many, Many People, Sites Have Been Good On Russiagate

Check out this great list of Russiagate Skeptics by Koen Swinkles at Foreign Policy Follies: 138 people, 30 sites/institutions. And don’t forget Norman Soloman! People Aaron Mate @aaronjmate Michael Tracey @mtracey Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald The late Robert...