A Poem for Gaza

Shireen she was a martyr She died for our sins Some people want the dirt so bad That’s how it all begins One side says to the other I need what you got If you don’t give it up I’ll shoot you on the spot If we don’t learn nothin’ We will never stop the rain If we don’t...

Pittsburgh Speech on the Israel-Palestine Crisis

Last Friday night I gave a speech to the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania about conflict in Israel-Palestine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVlFBflw7bU Correction: I misspoke at 9:00~ when I said they sank the Liberty. They only damaged it...

America Is Back… to Bombing Syria

The great Kelley Vlahos from the Quincy Institute was recently featured on Matt Kibbe's "On Liberty" discussing the horror show of the return of the CNAS crew to power in D.C.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJIfdVEaL4w