Context Is Everything

Sometimes you don’t get the real picture without seeing the big picture. But you don’t always get such a good example.

An Associated Press news photo from today in Pakistan: Droves of people carrying banners, the front one reading “MODERATE EXTREMISTS! (What could that mean?)

But I happened across another photo in the same collection. This gave some clarity, and allowed me to find the real story behind the banner.

Bill Brown

Rise of the Surveillance State


Bill Brown, of the Surveillance Camera Players, and author of We Know You Are Watching: Surveillance Camera Players 1996-2006 discusses the rise of the American surveillance state.

MP3 here. (35:09)

Bill Brown co-founded the Surveillance Camera Players in 1996 and is the brain behind

Anne Applebaum, Voice of the Voiceful

Another week, another dreadful column from Anne Applebaum, this time about why we can never ever ever ever leave Iraq. Applebaum, along with Cathy Young and a few others, occupies a weird niche in establishment punditry: as yawn-inducing in her analysis as David Broder and as neocon in her foreign policy as anyone at The Weekly Standard, she nonetheless manages to double-dip as a libertarian sage, at least in some quarters. Fortunately, some libertarians aren’t letting her get away with it.

Jim Henley shreds her latest:

This is the stupidest column anyone has ever written for any venue. I sure am glad Anne Applebaum returned to Washington in time to let us all know that, like Madeleine Albright’s America, she sees farther than others. I know just where “a dose of humility” is missing: Applebaum’s column.

There’s an implication lurking underneath the self-regard – that since all the Iraq options have downsides, what we happened to be doing at the exact moment Anne Applebaum started paying attention again is the sensible course. Needless to say, there’s no argument in favor of, to coin a phrase, staying the course. …


Rarely are all the miserable aspects of the sunk costs fallacy so energetically invoked at a columnist’s Ouija. The author reviews briefly a series of bogus politicians’ bogus plans for Iraq, finds them all lacking, and prescribes that since we’re already soldiering, we must therefore soldier on. …

Applebaum lists a series of mighty disasters proceeding from an American departure, then says:

Perhaps these things would never have happened if we hadn’t gone there in the first place–but if we leave, we’ll be morally responsible.

We’re already morally responsible. We did something wrongly, and we don’t have the power to put it right. It cannot be rectified, remediated, or forgiven. The practical, tactical, strategic, ethical, and moral failures are ours already. We can’t take them back, but we can leave and stop implicating ourselves ever further in their unwinding.

Henley and IOZ have been monitoring Applebaum’s abortions for some time now, and nary a word needs to be added to their collective verdict. As a columnist at the Washington Post, Applebaum has all the exposure a person of her talents could possibly ask for – there’s no need, and no reason, for libertarians to expand her platform by treating her as a kindred spirit, much less calling her “outstanding,” “one of America’s most insightful journalists,” “a fine journalist, an excellent writer, and a judicious historical researcher,” and “a fantastic writer, a careful scholar, and possessed of a moral sensibility that is judicious, practical, and finely tuned.”* There are already enough lips stuck to the backside of this bien-pensant bore.

*Obviously, I invented these clumsy, fawning quotations, and hastily, I might add. No one would really write such things.

A Raw Look at the “Surge”

Maybe this is why they’re supporting a candidate that promises to bring them home?

American soldiers describe the constant stress of living in a war zone, voice their frustrations over the politics with the war strategy in Washington, and are seen as they watch an armored vehicle burn with six of their fellow troops trapped inside, in a rare and raw look at what American troops are experiencing on the front lines in Baghdad.


“I challenge anybody in Congress to do my rotation,” said Spc. Michael Vassell of Apache Company. “They don’t have to do anything, they just come hang out with me and go home at the times I go home, and come stay here 15 months with me.”

Apache Company was sent to Iraq in June 2006 for a 12-month rotation which has since been extended to a 15-month tour.

“It’s a joke. We will have spent 14 months in contact, basically fighting all 14 months,” said Cpl. Joshua Lake. “Our battalion got right to Baghdad … first week we were in Baghdad we lost two guys in our battalion … it hasn’t stopped since.”


“Because we have people up there in Congress with the brain of a 2-year-old who don’t know what they are doing — they don’t experience it. I challenge the president or anyone who has us for 15 months to ride alongside me,” Vassell said. “I [would] do another 15 months if he comes out here and rides along with me every day for 15 months. I’ll do 15 more months. They don’t even have to pay me extra.”

In this photo, six American soldiers and an Iraqi translator are burning to death inside the armored vehicle. Cpl. Joshua Lake from Apache Company told Sean Smith, “It’s a joke. We will have spent 14 months in contact, basically fighting all 14 months…first week in Baghdad we lost two guys in our battalion, and it hasn’t stopped since.”

(Sean Smith/Guardian)

This is an unusually hard-hitting article. Also, see the video on the upper right of the linked page and the rest of the photos here.

Most GOP Military Donations for President Went to Ron Paul

While politicos fight about what the troops want, a majority of the money that members of the military donated to Republican candidates for President went to the most antiwar candidate: Ron Paul.

Analyzing the latest finance reports, The Spin Factor broke down the donations from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and among Veterans (their figures do not include the Marines, which only slightly alters the results).







*Note: The numbers for the last five candidates have not been thoroughly verified.

52.53%: Ron Paul
35.4%: McCain
7.9%: Romney
5.2%: Giuliani
2.2%: Hunter
2.6%: Others

Thanks to Iraq Slogger.

Too Bad They Can’t Duel (and Fire Simultaneously)

Christopher Hitchens disses Lord Black, though his bile, the product of a feud two decades ago, seems tempered by his gradual convergence with the Borg (“I remember running into a very conservative gentleman in the corridors of the American Enterprise Institute a year or so ago…”). In a nutshell, it’s Hitchens the aristocratic commie versus Black the make-believe aristocrat. Rather dull, actually, but we wouldn’t want you to miss an episode in the Great Neocon Crack-Up.