Best Post-Indictment observation

Larry Johnson:

A careful reading of the indictment shows beyond a reasonable doubt that there was an organized effort in the White House to go after Joe and Valerie Wilson. At a minimum, Vice President Cheney was witting of this effort. Too bad these guys did not work as feverishly in tracking down Osama Bin Laden. They only had time to attack two American citizens who were serving their country.

Finally, Patrick Fitzgerald, what a class act!

Do They Know It’s Fitzmastime at All?

After prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s indictment of Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Congress needs to wake up and smell the phony prewar “intelligence.” Here’s a link where you can write to express your concerns to your representative and senators. It helps to be polite and concise, and it probably wouldn’t hurt to also mail Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at

But Is It “Resistance”?

Yes, there is a video game that simulates the overthrow of governments through protests and propaganda (see story in Wired, on the news page this morning) but to bill this as “resistance,” or even “non-violent” is misdirection at the very least.

There is a mountain of evidence that the “democratic revolutions” of the aught-years, from the October 2000 events in Serbia to last year’s “Orange Revolution” in the Ukraine were not popular movements, but coups, instigated and funded by the Empire. Groups like Otpor, Pora, Kmara, etc. may have been student movements on the surface, but their funding, training and purpose came from outside intelligence agencies. That’s not a conspiracy theory, but a statement of fact. Continue reading “But Is It “Resistance”?”

Fitzgerald press conference – 2 PM

CNN just reported that Patrick Fitzgerald will hold a press conference at 2 PM Eastern time.

“Scooter’s” indictment

UPDATE: USDOJ Office of Special Council Media Advisory

UPDATE: MSNBC reporting that at noon, there will be a release of documents.(via ReddHedd at firedoglake)

UPDATE: Bloomberg: The Justice Department was scheduled to make an announcement “regarding the status of the special counsel’s criminal investigation” at noon Washington time. Fitzgerald will hold a news conference at 2 p.m.