Karpinski Names Names (tonight)

Dave DeBatto will play his pre-recorded interview with former Abu Ghraib commander Janice Karpinski on his new radio show tonight at Midnight (Eastern Time, 9pm Pacific).

Debatto says “In the interview, Karpinski names, names all the way to the top, disclosing documents she saw authorizing illegal interrogation methods.”

Dave DeBatto’s new show (co-hosted by Kate Delaney), America At Night is broadcast on 70 radio stations (including KNEW in San Francisco), and on the Internet live.

Listen to the show live. If this link doesn’t work, go here and click on “Listen Live.”

How America Lost Iraq

Frequent Antiwar.com contributor Aaron Glantz writes:

    I am proud to report that How America Lost Iraq, my unembedded book about Iraq under U.S. occupation is now a bestseller. As of today, it is #9 on the San Francisco Chronicle‘s list. …

    The book has also racked up a few glowing reviews.

    Here’s what the Seattle Times had to say:

    “A no holds barred look at our Iraq quagmire … an important first-person document historians will look to in the future as they draw a more complete picture of America’s catastrophic victory in Iraq.”

    Publisher’s Weekly gave How America Lost Iraq a starred review:

    “Glantz’s account is full of interviews with ordinary Iraqis, and from their evolving thoughts and experiences he builds a critique of the many American misconceptions about Iraq, one that castigates equally the left’s knee-jerk preconceptions, the occupation authorities’ cluelessness and heavy-handed misrule and the media’s lack of interest in the suffering of Iraqis. The result is a nuanced and hard-hitting indictment.”

Get your copy now!

Rothbard’s Conceived in Liberty on Sale!

Amazon.com has a great sale:

Murray Rothbard’s 4-volume history of Early America, Conceived in Liberty is a mere $63 for all four books. This set has been selling for $100 for many years.

Make sure you order it using this link, so that Antiwar.com gets a cut of the sale.

Read the excerpt “Pennsylvania’s Anarchist Experiment: 1681-1690.”

Read Robert Klassen’s review.

The State and Its Discontents

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show, I’ll be talking with Walter Block, of the Mises Institute and Loyola University all about liberty and economics, Monica Benderman about the conviction of her husband Kevin for refusing to go back to Iraq, and reporter David Enders live from there, about the permanent crisis in Fallujah.

Update: Show’s over. Block is a genius, Monica Benderman is one tough lady, and I missed David because Iraqi cell phone service still sucks.