Patriot Act/NSA Surveillance, Call Your Senators Now!

The Senate is in recess, but they will be returning on Sunday for a last minute vote on the extension of the Patriot Act’s Section 215. This is the section which the Obama Administration has been using as the pretext for NSA telephone bulk surveillance of ordinary Americans. The White House says without the renewal, they will have to end the surveillance program.

That means this is a great time to call your Senator and urge them to vote against any and all resolutions which would renew Section 215 under any terms. Despite very little momentum in the Congress to pass meaningful NSA reforms, we have a golden opportunity here to kill one of the most onerous aspects of NSA surveillance of the general public.

You can find your Senator’s contact information here, and below is a list of the 10 most important Senators to focus on, along with their contact information. Others should be contacted as well, of course, to emphasize how much we, the American public, oppose the surveillance state.

Paul, Rand – (R – KY)
167 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4343

King, Angus S., Jr. – (I – ME)
133 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5344

Enzi, Michael B. – (R – WY)
379A Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3424

Kirk, Mark – (R – IL)
524 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-2854

Cassidy, Bill – (R – LA)
703 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5824

Ayotte, Kelly – (R – NH)
144 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3324

Moran, Jerry – (R – KS)
521 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-6521

Crapo, Mike – (R – ID)
239 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-6142

Toomey, Patrick J. – (R – PA)
248 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4254

Boozman, John – (R – AR)
141 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4843

DIA Gives an Official Response to Article Alleging the West Backed ‘Islamic State’

On Friday, May 22, I contacted the DIA Public Affairs office seeking official response to my May 19 article entitled, 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime”. DIA Public Affairs did not respond at that time.

YESTERDAY (5/26), THE DIA CONTACTED ME via email and requested that I submit my questions. Today, May 27, DIA Public Affairs spokesman James M. Kudla contacted me via telephone at 1:37pm (Eastern Standard Time) and agreed to give an official DIA comment to my questions concerning the declassified 2012 DIA intelligence report released through Freedom of Information Act request to Judicial Watch (14-L-0552/DIA/287-293).

THE BELOW IS A FULL TRANSCRIPT of the phone interview. Permission is given by Levant Report to freely copy and circulate.*

James Kudla [JK]: In response to the questions you submitted through email… As noted in the document itself, it’s an informational report and is not finally evaluated intelligence, and the redacted sections in the document released under FOIA means it is not a complete document.

Brad Hoff [BH]: Does this document forecast in 2012 that the external powers supporting the Syrian opposition would allow an Islamic State in Eastern Syria in order to isolate or put military pressure on the Syrian regime?

JK: I have no comment on the contents of the document, nor on your interpretation of the document in your article. To reiterate, the document is raw information and has not been interpreted or analyzed, so it is not a final intelligence product.

BH:Does this document affirm that the DoD knew that what the document refers to as the West was supporting an opposition insurgency in Syria that had elements of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, or AQI, within in?

JK: I do not speak for the Department of Defense, only for the DIA. For the DoD you would have to call the Pentagon’s Public Affairs desk. I have no comment on the contents of the document.

BH: Can you confirm that this particular document FOIA released, marked 14-L-0552/DIA/287-293, was circulated among the Joint Staff, USCENTCOM, CIA, DHS, Dept. of State, SecDef office, and those agencies listed under the header?

JK: I can’t confirm how it was circulated or who read it, but we can confirm that copies were sent to its addressees listed in the header information.

BH: Are you able to dispel some current headlines that say the West aligned itself with ISIS during 2012 or at any point during the conflict in Syria?

JK: There are a lot of headlines circulating, I cannot evaluate each one. I cannot comment on that.

BH:Would you like to take this opportunity to dispel any accusations currently circulating?

JK: I have no comment on that.

BH:Are you able to at least deny that the DIA’s analysis revealed that the West backed ISIS at some point during the conflict in Syria?

JK: No comment. I have no additional comments for you.


The above is official comment given to Brad Hoff from:


*Questions or media inquiries for Brad Hoff, managing editor of Levant Report, should be directed to Levantreport(@)

Jeffrey Sterling vs. the CIA: An Untold Story of Race and Retribution

A dozen years before his recent sentencing to a 42-month prison term based on a jury’s conclusion that he gave classified information to a New York Times journalist, former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling was in the midst of a protracted and fruitless effort to find someone in Congress willing to look into his accusations about racial discrimination at the agency. has obtained letters from Sterling to prominent members of Congress, beseeching them in 2003 and 2006 to hear him out about racial bias at the CIA. Sterling, who is expected to enter prison soon, provided the letters last week. They indicate that he believed the CIA was retaliating against him for daring to become the first-ever black case officer to sue the agency for racial discrimination.

As early as 2000, Sterling was reaching out toward Capitol Hill about his concerns. He received a positive response from House member Julian Dixon (D-Calif.), a former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, who expressed interest in pursuing the matter of racial discrimination at the CIA and contacted the agency about his case, Sterling says. But the 20-year member of Congress died from a heart attack on Dec. 8, 2000.

Sterling recalls getting special firing treatment in early 2002 from John Brennan, then a high-ranking CIA executive, now the agency’s director and a close adviser to President Obama: “He personally came down to the administrative office to tell me that I was fired. Someone told me that, ‘Well, you pulled on Superman’s cape.’”

Soon after the CIA fired him, the New York Times, People magazine and CNN reported on Sterling’s lawsuit charging the CIA with racial discrimination. But Sterling found no support from civil rights organizations.

Continue reading “Jeffrey Sterling vs. the CIA: An Untold Story of Race and Retribution”

Ron Paul on the US Military ‘Pivot to Asia’

As China reclaims land in the South China Sea, the US sends in spy planes to buzz the construction. China warns the US to leave them alone. US, with bases all over the South China Sea area, objects to what it views as Chinese military activity in the region. Is this Obama’s “Pivot to Asia”? Or a diversion from the failed wars against ISIS and the failed proxy war in Ukraine?

Ron Paul talks with Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity:

Support the Women’s March to End the Korean War: Sign the Petition

Sunday, 35 women activists from 15 countries will march across the Korean DMZ to call for a final peace treaty 62 years after the end of the conflict. The US has continued to oppose a political/diplomatic solution to the "Korean War."

Even though South Korea keeps trying to discourage the march by changing the rules, the activists plan to march tomorrow.

Please sign Code Pink’s petition below calling for a Korean Peace Conference.

Dear United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

On this 70th anniversary of Korea’s division, we urge the United Nations to broker a Political Peace Conference, as called for in Article 4 Paragraph 60 of the Korean War Armistice Agreement, to bring together all parties that took part in the Korean War to reach a peaceful settlement. As an international conflict that continues to hamper peaceful relations in East Asia and across the Pacific, it is time to finally end the state of war by replacing the Korean War Armistice with a more permanent Peace Accord.

The Korean War Armistice, the temporary military cease-fire agreement that has lasted for 62 years, has not led to peace. North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, the annual U.S.-South Korea military exercises, the rampant arms race in Northeast Asia, and the continued separation of families are proof of that. It is time for a Peace Treaty to end the hostilities and move forward on reconciliation.

In hopes of peace,

Will you sign?