Atomic Bomb Scene from the Animated Film “Barefoot Gen”

The US of A, 70 years ago today. An animated depiction of the evil that man is capable of when acting in the name of the State, inspired by the story of a man who had survived it as a boy. To hell with placing representatives of libertarianism in the leadership of the...

The Gaza Strip: “It’s just that dystopian”

Max Blumenthal tells Glenn Greenwald: “And for all I knew about the Israel-Palestine crisis, I was not prepared to come in to such intimate contact with so much human destruction. And to really come to grips with the fact that the Gaza Strip is an open-air prison, and...

Essential Reading for Nakba Day

The Nakba, 65 Years of Dispossession and Apartheid The Real Story of How Israel Was Created by Alison Weir Asking the Hard Questions About Israel by John Feffer The Unmentionable Source of Terrorism by John Pilger By Murray Rothbard: War Guilt in the Middle East Rand...

Israel’s Repression of Nakba Day (May 15)

Tomorrow is Nakba Day, which commemorates the mass dispossession of Palestinians that accompanied the foundation of the State of Israel. Read "The more Israel represses the Nakba, the stronger the memories" by Gideon Levy in Haaretz. Use the printer-friendly or Google...

Stygian Pits and Child Forfeiture

The eloquent Will Grigg in an outstanding interview with Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams, discussing his article Protecting the Vicious, Punishing the Virtuous: Marijuana Prohibition and Idaho’s Prison-Industrial Complex. My favorite coinages from the interview: Will...

Grave of the Fireflies

Take this inoculation against warmongering. Think of Madeline Albright’s “price was worth it” quote, the US blockade of Iran, and the Israeli blockade of Gaza, then watch the autobiography-based Studio Ghibli anime Grave of the Fireflies in which a 5 year old girl...

Google Vs.

Excerpted from Don’t See Evil: Google’s Boycott Campaign Against War Photography and Alternative Media by Dan Sanchez On the morning of March 18, Eric Garris, founder and webmaster of, received a form email from Google AdSense informing him that all of...