Can Norway Avoid Adopting a Post-9/11 Mentality?

Reuters: Norwegians believe penalties for serious crimes in their country should be tightened in the wake of a shooting and bomb attack that killed 77 people in July, an opinion poll showed Monday. In a survey of 1,283 people conducted six days after the July 22...

Seems I Gave Jeffrey Goldberg Too Much Credit

Jeffrey Goldberg apparently doctored his Friday post on the Norway attacks to make himself look less bigoted and ridiculous. Read "Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic, and Journalistic Ethics" and "No Shame at The Atlantic?" for details. I'll go ahead and resolve that...

Was I Unfair to The Atlantic?

On Friday, I included The Atlantic in a list of sources that "ran with the unsubstantiated Muslim-terrorist angle" immediately after the attacks in Norway. I was referring to a they-hate-us-for-our-freedoms piece about an alleged 2010 plot by three Muslims against...