Lawsuit Aims To Block US Foreign Aid to Israel – Conference Call

Washington – A lawsuit filed Monday in the D.C. federal district court challenges U.S. foreign aid to Israel.

IRmep’s Center for Policy and Law is holding a conference call briefing about the lawsuit August 11 at 10AM EST.

Register online to receive the conference call phone number, access code and briefing materials at:

Registration closes 9PM on August 10.

The US is finalizing a ten-year memorandum of understanding which will reportedly boost aid to $4-5 billion per year. The director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) in the suit challenges the authority of the president and US federal agencies to deliver such foreign aid to Israel. Such aid violates longstanding bans on aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs. Since the bans went into effect US foreign aid to Israel is estimated to be $234 billion.

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Iran Executes Scientist/Spy – What’s Hillary’s Role?

Hillary’s private server is in the news again. This time the question is whether extremely sensitive discussions about a US Iranian asset may exposed his cover and led to his recent execution by the Iranian government. Also, about that $400 US payment to the Iranians…it wasn’t a ransom or a bribe. The real story is even more troubling. Will the mainstream media begin asking some of the tougher questions…or will it be up to the alternative media like the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Afghan Maintenance Program You Pay For Wastes $423 Million

So, Afghanistan. America’s longest and wackiest war will soon enter its 16th year, and is scheduled to run through the next administration, as no one can remember why the U.S. is fighting there anymore and so no one knows when this thing is over. Did we win yet? How would we know?

None of that matters of course, because plenty of American contractors are in their 16th year of getting filthy rich, thanks to extraordinary amounts of money being spent with no effective oversight by the Department of Defense. Let’s have the latest example.

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Is This the Real Reason the United States Is Suddenly Bombing Libya?

Last Monday, the Department of Defense held a press conference in which Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook disclosed to reporters that the United States military – at the request of the officially recognized governing body of Libya, the Government of National Accord (GNA) – has begun a campaign of precision airstrikes on ISIL targets inside the northern city of Sirte.

“GNA-aligned forces have had success in recapturing territory from ISIL thus far around Sirte,” Cook stated at the briefing, “and additional U.S. strikes will continue to target ISIL in Sirte in order to enable to GNA to make a decisive, strategic advance.”

The GNA is the interim government created by the U.N. and installed back in March in an effort to combat the instability, infighting – both political and military – and all-around chaos that have engulfed Libya in the years following the US intervention in 2011.

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71th Anniversary of the A-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Saturday marked the 71st anniversary of U.S. President Harry Truman’s atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan. The atomic bombing of Nagasaki took place three days later in 1945. Some 90,000-166,000 individuals were killed in Hiroshima. The Nagasaki bombing killed 39,000-80,000 human beings. (It has come to my attention that the U.S. military bombed Tokyo on Aug. 14 – after destroying Hiroshima and Nagasaki and after Emperor Hirohito expressed his readiness to surrender.)

There isn’t much to be said about those unspeakable atrocities against civilians that hasn’t been said many times before. The U.S. government never needed atomic bombs to commit mass murder, but it dropped them anyway. (Remember this when judging the official U.S. moralistic stance toward Iran.) Its “conventional” weapons have been potent enough. (See the earlier firebombing of Tokyo.) Nor did it need the bombs to persuade Japan to surrender; the Japanese government had been suing for peace. The U.S. government may not have used atomic weapons since 1945, but it has not yet given up mass murder as a political/military tactic. Presidents and presidential candidates are still expected to say that, with respect to nuclear weapons, “no options are off the table.”

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Waiting on Putin, The Dream Candidate

It’s interesting that accusations that Putin is trying to swing the election to Trump peaked, for now, in the midst of the Democratic Convention, and distracted nicely from what was revealed in the hacked emails. Hmmm.

Putin was then ushered off stage, to be replaced by the Wrath of Khan and their son, who died in Iraq 12 years ago. I wonder now when Putin will be brought back. He will of course be brought back, being far too good a bad guy to waste in this most obscene of elections.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was no global enemy for America to face down. No big nasty to spur weapons procurement, or to justify a huge standing military with hundreds of bases around the world, or to pick fights with to allow a president down in the polls to morph into a war leader.

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