Cleveland Police to RNC Protesters: Don’t Hide Your Faces (Facial Recognition)

Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams issued a warning to an undisclosed number of masked protesters outside the Republican National Convention: “If you are a member of a group that causes you to have to hide your face, then you probably need a different cause.”

Police claim they have received at least a dozen calls related to concerns about the small groups of black-clad “anarchists” with masks.

So why is Chief Williams so concerned about the face masks? Too early for Halloween?

Nope, facial recognition.

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FBI, Police ‘Visited’ Activists’ Homes Ahead of the Republican National Convention

In another step towards the fascist state Donald Trump has warm dreams envisioning, FBI agents and Cleveland police officers “visited” the homes of local activists in an attempt to gather intelligence on possible planned demonstrations surrounding the Republican National Convention. Such actions step over the line of information gathering into the realm of seeking to chill free speech.

Activists said they viewed the visits as intimidating. A spokeswoman for the local branch of the FBI acknowledged only that “community outreach” took place as law enforcement officials try to ensure the GOP convention is a “safe and secure” event. During their visits, officials asked activists about past addresses, political and social affiliations, and plans for the RNC. The questions appear on their face of dubious constitutionality.

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Ron Paul on the Turkey Coup – Is It Over?

Three days after the mysterious Turkish coup that was put down almost instantly, Turkish president Erdogan has conducted massive purges of the judiciary and the military. He even referred to the coup as a “godsend” that would allow him to rid the government of those who are disloyal. The purges have focused attention in Washington and Brussels, where he is being warned that talks for EU membership — and even existing NATO membership — may be at risk if the government crackdown gets more serious. Is the US and EU bluffing? After all, Erdogan currently has nearly three million Syrian refugees on Turkish soil that he could send to Europe at any time. And closing the US base at Incirlik would create havoc for US “power projection” in the region. We examine these and more in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

‘AP Exclusive’ on ‘Secret’ Iran Deal Neither Exclusive Nor Secret

AP reporter George Jahn, who has been scaremongering about Iran’s civilian nuclear program for untold years, once again has an article breaking, claiming “Secret Document Lifts Iran Nuke Constraints“. Jahn writes similar stories every time he’s done wiping the egg off his face from the last nonsense article. So get the eggs ready.

In today’s “AP Exclusive,” Jahn claims to have obtained a “secret document” which reveals that Iran will be allowed to replace its current centrifuges in 11 to 13 years, phasing out its current 5,000 centrifuges with a smaller number of more advanced centrifuges, which are more efficient.

Jahn claims that because the new centrifuges are a lot better, they could “be used for nuclear warheads.” He’s wrong… of course, but he’s also wrong that this is an exclusive, or the result of a secret document, or even news.

Continue reading “‘AP Exclusive’ on ‘Secret’ Iran Deal Neither Exclusive Nor Secret”

At Cleveland GOP Convention, ‘First Amendment Zones’ Will Detain Protesters Far Away From Trump

Once upon a time, all of America was a First Amendment Zone. That’s now as dead as Alexander Hamilton.

The city of Cleveland revealed part of its security plan for the Nuremberg rally Republican National Convention. Securing the convention will require a heavily policed, fenced off 3.3 square-mile First Amendment Zone. A fun fact is that the First Amendment Zone is about the same size as Baghdad’s Green Zone.

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Ron Paul: After Nice Attack – Round Up the Usual Suspects?

Who benefits from attacks like we saw in Nice, France yesterday? The authoritarians never waste a minute exploiting these events to call for more restrictions on our liberties. Take away guns, monitor our phone calls, restrict our movement, censor the Internet. But the one thing they will never do is look at our foreign policy, to look at our unfair central banking system, to consider the damage of the drug war. Whether on the Right or the Left, authoritarians are hammers and all they see are nails. We are the nails. More on Nice attack and its aftermath in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.