Pity for a Constitution Stomper?

Congresswoman Jane Harman is indignant. A National Security Agency wiretap reportedly picked up her conversation seeking favors from a suspected Israeli agent in return for Harman lobbying the Justice Department to drop the lawsuit against AIPAC’s former top officials.

Harman denies the charge and swears that her good name has been defiled. (Har!). Harman sent a letter today to Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to release the transcripts of some of her NSA-tapped phone calls and to “investigate possible wiretapping of other Members of Congress and ‘selective leaks of investigative material which can be used for political purposes.’”

Harman was a champion of illegal wiretaps on average Americans. She even urged the New York Times not to publish its original expose on Bush’s massive domestic warrantless wiretaps, and she suggested that the New York Times should be prosecuted when they did finally uncork the story.

Jeff Stein’s superb CQ article on Sunday revealed that Attorney General Gonzales had rebuffed proposals to prosecute Harman after the wiretpped conversations in part because Harman became a vigorous cheerleader for Bush’s destruction of the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on unreasonable, warrantless searches.

The feds should release the records of Harman’s phone calls (at her request) – and all the other evidence regarding members of Congress, White House and other exeuctive branch officials, lobbyists, and other insider players who have sought to pull strings to squelch the trial of AIPAC’s former leaders.

Antiwar Radio: Jeff Stein and Michael Hastings

Jeff Stein and Michael Hastings will be the featured guest on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio on Friday, April 21st.

Stein will discuss the major scandal involving Rep. Jane Harman, Alberto Gonzales and AIPAC at 2:00PM Eastern and Hastings will discuss his recent article from GQ Magazine, “Obama’s War” at 2:30PM Eastern.

Jeff Stein is the National Security Editor and SpyTalk columnist for Congressional Quarterly and Michael Hastings is a correspondent for Newsweek and author of I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story.

The Scott Horton Show airs Tuesday through Friday from 2PM-4PM Eastern at Antiwar.com/radio, where additional archives from past shows can also be found.

Rahm Emanuel: There is no law.

This society is ruled only by the will of men. Don’t you ever lie to your younger kin and tell them otherwise.

Update: Robert “Obama’s Ari Fleischer” Gibbs is forced by a CNN reporter to demonstrate the abject hollowness of the administration’s absurd substitute for a legitimate argument why the law shouldn’t count in this case:

Via Glenn Greenwald.

Obama’s “Nation of Laws”

Obama proudly declared yesterday that ours is a “nation of laws” at the same time he announced that CIA torturers would not be prosecuted for their crimes.

Life in Washington is one damn paradox after another.

Kudos to the American Civil Liberties Union for their lawsuit that compelled the disclosure of the torture memos yesterday. But these are probably only the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully the ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and supporters of disclosing Bush-era crimes will have sufficient clout to force the government to reveal far more information on the torture scandal. Obama becomes complicit for all the crimes he covers up.

I will be curious to see if the revelations of how the Justice Department tortured the law and rationality to set loose the CIA will have any broader impact on how Americans view the federal government. I ain’t holdin’ my breath.

Antiwar Radio: Ivan Eland and Harper Magazine’s Scott Horton

Ivan Eland and Harper Magazine’s Scott Horton will be the featured guest on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio on Friday, April 17th.

Eland will be on at 2:30PM Eastern and Horton at 3:30PM Eastern.

Ivan Eland is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute in Oakland, California and is the author of several books, his most recent being Partitioning for Peace. His weekly column can be found at Antiwar.com/eland. The other Scott Horton is an international human rights lawyer and contributing editor to Harper’s Magazine. His blog, No Comment, can be found at Harpers.org.

The Scott Horton Show airs Tuesday through Friday from 2PM-4PM Eastern at Antiwar.com/radio, where additional archives from past shows can also be found