Naming Names

You know your enemies are getting desperate when they start attacking … your name. Glenn Reynolds snarks:

Dennis Raimondo? It doesn’t have quite the same ring, does it?”

One could go on in this vein: would you rather read a book by Ayn Rand — or by Alice Rosenbaum? Charles Lutwidge Dodgson — or “Lewis Carroll”? I see nothing wrong with the name Eric Blair, but for reasons of his own the man we know now as George Orwell shed his old name and assumed a new, more adult, more authentic identity. What of it?

To attack a writer because he has a pen-name is akin to accusing him of all sorts of other non-crimes: yes, writers like to change their names. They also like spending inordinate amounts of time alone, sitting at a desk. Odd, but true. So shoot me.

UPDATE: Following the link so helpfully provided by the Insta-snarker, we arrive at one Tim Blair’s blog, where we’re breathlessly informed: “Justin Raimondo is over 50”!

What is this — Logan’s Run?

Just because I don’t write like the young fogeys of today, and I look a decade younger than I actually am — is this really a crime? In Blairworld — where, I’m peremptorily informed, my “real name is Dennis” — the grim answer is apparently yes.

Every time these people open their mouths, they reveal their inner rot, a kind of moral halitosis. Reynolds takes on the Name Question, linking to Blair who takes up the Age Question, who points to Stephen Schwartz’s 3,000 word screed calling me a faggot and a “failed l’homme fatale”!

Educating Schwartz

“It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.” – Mark Twain

Expanding on what Eric just said, I would like to lend a hand to good ol’ Schwartz. Since he seems to lack basic Web understanding, here’s a good definition from wikipedia (They have all kinds of evil links there, Schwartz.) Follow that link and read the entire thing very, very carefully. Especially this part;

One can then follow hyperlinks on each page to other documents or even send information back to the server to interact with it. The act of following hyperlinks is often called “surfing” or “browsing” the web. Web pages are often arranged in collections of related material called “web sites.”

Now, Schwartz, repeat after me, anchor hypertext reference equals”universal resource locator” text to display close anchor. If you don’t understand that, you’re not in the game, and you should take Twain’s advice.

Stephen Schwartz, Web Moron

In response to Justin Raimondo’s article today, Stephen Schwartz has written a letter, from which I excerpt a key portion:

You have no right to misuse a copyrighted photo of me. Remove it from your links forthwith.

We did not run a photo of Mr. Schwartz, we merely linked to a photo on the Website of The Atlantic.

On the the other hand FrontPageMag did run a copyrighted photo of Justin on their front page accompanying the article by Mr. Schwartz attacking Mr. Raimondo.

Two years ago Mr. Schwartz threatened to sue for linking to a San Francisco Examiner article which talked about his arrest for writing graffiti on a wall. The article explained that Mr. Schwartz was responding to grafitti that said “Stephen Schwartz is the Philosophical Whore of North Beach.”

Mr. Schwartz’s lawyer and I had a long conversation in which I explained to him the difference between linking to an article and actually running the article. Since his lawyer had no email address and had never been on the Web, he was grateful for the clarification. No legal action was forthcoming, of course.

Now that we are in the 21st Century, you would think that Mr. Schwartz would have learned the difference between publishing something and citing it, but some people are just slow.

For his own education, I would like to point out that Mr. Schwartz’s photos can be viewed here, here, and here.