MEMRI SLAPPs Professor Cole

For anyone interested in the lawsuit threatened by MEMRI against Professor Juan Cole (Repressive MEMRI on AWC frontpage), there’s both a well-written comprehensive defense and a set of links to other blogs supporting Cole at Abu Aardvark’s place.

In short, if you do decide to take Professor Cole to court over the allegation that you cherry-pick the Arab media to offer a highly warped perspective of Arab discourse, expect to lose. The trial would be exceedingly helpful to the general good of discrediting you by shining light on your translation and selection practices.

Cheerfully yours,
the aardvark

American Amnesia on MEMRI:

MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Organization, hasn’t received attention here at American Amnesia for one simple reason: it’s a compost of specious translations of worst-of-the-worst opinion pieces coming out of the Arabic press. Think of an organization dedicated to translating into Arabic the Jerry Falwells, Bob Jones, and other scraps of ideological detritus bobbing around in our local papers, and you’ve got MEMRI’s mission and net worth.

For those that are unfamiliar with MEMRI, it’s a group of translators whose work poses as a “bridge” to the language gap between the West and the Middle East. The fact that it bridges something is sufficient for most people without knowledge of the language…never mind where it leads you.

I think Yigal Carmon is going to regret SLAPPing this particular hornet’s nest.

Terrorist PM OK?

After the sham “elections”in occupied Kosovo were finally certified by the Imperial viceroy, Albanians announced their new “government” will be led by two parties: Ibrahim Rugova’s LDK, and Ramush Haradinaj’s AAK. This means Hashim Taqi, the former supremo of the terrorist KLA, won’t be in the government again. Only trouble is, Haradinaj is KLA as well. And he’s under investigation by the Hague Inquisition. Continue reading “Terrorist PM OK?”

Michael Ledeen Libel of the Day

Regarding my post on Michael Ledeen, James Knechtmann of General Staff Library writes:

    This story about Tandey and Hitler is contrived propaganda nonsense from World War II. The source is an article in the Coventry Sunday Graphic from December 1940 (see, and apparently has no earlier provenance. Tandey was, more than likely, playing the glory hound one last time. Hitler would have been taken prisoner if he had been in the situation Tandey was relating.

    Also, Ledeen is an idiot for claiming that Tandey was in the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment at the time. He served in The Green Howards during WWI and didn’t transfer to the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment until 1921.

We Have Made a Sinkhole and Called It Disneyland

From Marines Hampered by Security Fears in Falluja:

Standing over a crater six meters (20 ft) across and six meters deep in a street created by what he said was a 2,000-pound bomb during the offensive, Staff Sargeant Jonathan Knarth, 29, of Florida, looked at down the deep water at the bottom.

“Hey look all you have to do is extend a slide from that rooftop to the water and you have an amusement park right here courtesy of the United States Air Force.”

Kill ‘Em All

How else am I to read this?

    Consider the story of Henry Tandey, a British infantryman in the Duke of Wellington Regiment in the First World War. On September 28, 1918, Tandey participated in an attack against enemy trenches near the small French town of Marcoing. The British carried the day, and as they advanced, Tandey Cautiously peered into a trench. He saw an enemy soldier, a corporal, lying bleeding on the ground. It would have been easy for Tandey to finish off his enemy, as he had killed many that day; Tandey had played an heroic role in the battle and later was awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest wartime decoration, for his great courage. But he felt it was wrong to shoot an injured man, and he spared the corporal’s life.

    In 1940, during the Nazi bombardment of Coventry, when Tandey worked as a security guard at the Triumph automobile factory, he gnashed his teeth. “Had I known what that corporal was going to become! God knows how sad I am that I spared him.” The corporal was Adolf Hitler. Tandey’s human gesture had led to the deaths of millions of people and, in a bitter irony of military destiny, had placed his own life at the mercy of the monster whose life he could have taken.

    Murder is surely evil, yet every reasonable person will agree that the cause of good would have been greatly advanced if Henry Tandey had killed Hitler in that trench. History abounds with examples of good actions furthering the cause of evil…

But of course, any morally reasonable person realizes that Tandey didn’t happen upon Hitlerâ„¢, the genocidal maniac of two decades later; he came across an anonymous, wounded young man. If Tandey was supposed to kill him on the basis of what he would become later, then whom should Tandey have spared? Whom will the adherents of this monstrous doctrine of unlimited preemption spare?

Folks, this is far worse than terrorism.

(Link courtesy of Christopher Manion.)

Kevin Sites speaks out

Kevin Sites speaks out: Open Letter to Devil Dogs of the 3.1

To Devil Dogs of the 3.1:

Since the shooting in the Mosque, I’ve been haunted that I have not been able to tell you directly what I saw or explain the process by which the world came to see it as well. As you know, I’m not some war zone tourist with a camera who doesn’t understand that ugly things happen in combat. I’ve spent most of the last five years covering global conflict. But I have never in my career been a ‘gotcha’ reporter — hoping for people to commit wrongdoings so I can catch them at it.

This week I’ve even been shocked to see myself painted as some kind of anti-war activist. Anyone who has seen my reporting on television or has read the dispatches on this website is fully aware of the lengths I’ve gone to play it straight down the middle — not to become a tool of propaganda for the left or the right.

But I find myself a lightning rod for controversy in reporting what I saw occur in front of me, camera rolling.

It’s time you to have the facts from me, in my own words, about what I saw — without imposing on that Marine — guilt or innocence or anything in between. I want you to read my account and make up your own minds about whether you think what I did was right or wrong. All the other armchair analysts don’t mean a damn to me.

Here it goes.

via boing boing