Four Hostages Freed; 274 Palestinians Killed

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

If you have to kill 274 people to free four others being held hostage, is that a “successful” military operation? According to the Israeli and U.S. governments, it is.

Israel, apparently with some U.S. help, attacked the Nuseirat Camp in Gaza and freed four hostages seized by Hamas. In doing so, however, Israeli forces killed and wounded hundreds of unarmed men, women, and children.

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Nurse Practitioner on a Hunger Strike for Gaza

I am on day nine of a voluntary hunger strike while Palestinians in Gaza are being starved to death. It is estimated that 3500 children are at risk of death in the coming weeks due to starvation. Two million people are trapped in the besieged Gaza strip, half of them under the age of 18.

There were roughly 200 aid trucks entering weekly before May 6, 2024 – grossly inadequate for the need – but since the start of Israel’s ground offensive into Rafah – only a trickle of aid trucks have made it through – deepening the humanitarian crisis and man made famine.

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NAACP Joins Growing Chorus Demanding Biden Halt Arms Shipments to Israel

Citing Israel’s killing of over 36,000 Palestinians in Gaza and its defiance of a World Court order to stop attacking Rafah, the NAACP on Wednesday joined the hundreds of human rights and civil society organizations urging the Biden administration to halt weapons transfers to Israel.

The leading U.S. civil rights group noted Israel’s defiance of the International Court of Justice’s May 24 order to stop attacking the southern Gaza city of Rafah and the Israel Defense Force’s (IDF) May 26 bombing of a refugee encampment there that killed and wounded hundreds of Palestinians, including many women and children.

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‘What Are They Afraid Of?’: Columbia Law Review Board Shuts Down Website Over Nakba Article

The Columbia Law Review‘s board of directors temporarily shut down the prestigious legal journal’s website on Monday following its publication of an article arguing for the establishment of the Nakba – the ethnic cleansing of Arabs from Palestine to establish and expand the state of Israel – as a novel legal concept.

The Intercept reported that Rabea Eghbariah, a Palestinian human rights lawyer and Harvard Law School student, initially tried to publish an article in the Harvard Law Review on the Nakba as a legal concept amid the backdrop of Israel’s Gaza genocide and apartheid in the illegally occupied West Bank of Palestine. The piece was fully edited and ready for publication when it was canceled. The Nation published the essay in November.

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