On Monday, Attorney General Eric Holder finally explained why it's legal for him to annihilate you on a hunch. The nation's liberals arose as one to condemn this brazen attack on American principles of... Hehe, just kidding. The nation's liberals were all listening to...
Obama vs. Romney: There Goes One Lesser-of-Two-Evils Argument
Kevin Drum, the Leonidas of the left 49-yard line, predicts the ways in which a Romney presidency would differ from an Obama presidency. Drum assumes that Romney would have a Republican majority in the Senate, so this is not a best-case scenario for liberals. I...
Kevin Drum on Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich
Kevin Drum advises those who want a noninterventionist, pro–civil liberties candidate to ditch Ron Paul and look elsewhere. I grew curious about what Drum had to say about the two least interventionist, most pro–civil liberties Democrats who ran for president in 2008....
Kevin Drum: Not a Crackpot
Kevin Drum of Mother Jones has some fatherly advice for all you idiots: Bottom line: Ron Paul is not merely a "flawed messenger" for these views. He's an absolutely toxic, far-right, crackpot messenger for these views. This is, granted, not...
Kevin Drum, Perpetual Skeptic
Kevin Drum, Oct. 17, 2011: Aside from the fact that Barack Obama did not, in fact, send troops to Uganda in order to "kill Christians," what should we think about the fact that he sent troops to Uganda in the first place? Needless to say, I'm far more hesitant about...