Bradley Manning: Nobel Peace Prize Nomination 2012

I can anticipate all the objections. Regardless, keeping Bradley Manning's name in the press increases the chances that some justice, somewhere might be served. From Birgitta Jónsdóttir and Margrét Tryggvadóttir, Members of the Icelandic Parliament: We have the great...

Justin Raimondo on Fox Business Channel

Update: A video of the full show has been posted here. The first segment is Julian Assange, with Justin Raimondo (and his opponent) in the second segment. We will be posting the stand-alone segments in the next day or so.'s Editorial Director Justin...

Crack It Open for Bradley Manning

I've exposed perhaps too much of what makes me weepy in these pages; here's more. It turns out PFC Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old intel analyst who risked his life to expose the banally recorded daily atrocities committed in service to the imperial project, is...