Upcoming Events and Speeches

Wed Feb 7th at 7:30 I’m doing a presentation on the terror wars for Thaddeus Russel’s Renegade University. (My previous talk on Afghanistan for Renegade University is here.) Feb 24th at 7:00 PM I’m giving a talk at Austin, Anarchy and Action at Treasure City Thrift...

RIP Bob Parry

Bob Parry was a former good friend of the show. I had him on at least 18 times. (I can’t help but think there were more that got lost somehow.) He was actually one of the first guests when I started the daily show, Antiwar Radio, for KAOS 95.9 FM in Austin in 2007. I...

The Tragedy of Flight MH17: Who Benefits?

Cui bono? Who benefits? Who stood to gain? That is the first question everyone should ask with any potential crime (although of course it's not the only one). Yet, that is the question that is being generally ignored regarding the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight...

Finally: Mainstream Compares COIN to Waterloo

The Battle of Waterloo was a decisive defeat for the Emperor Napoleon: his losses forced his abdication, restored King Louis XVIII to France's throne, and sent the former emperor away for the rest of his days in exile on the isle of Saint Helena. In other words, it...

Weaponized Keynesians?

A regular reader of Antiwar.com writes, "Professor Joe Salerno, academic vice president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in a recorded talk from the institute’s 30th anniversary celebration, talks about the Keynesian architects of the US Warfare state. Salerno...