Recently, I was interviewed by MK Lords, a manager at Roberts & Roberts Brokerage and correspondent for Bitcoin Not Bombs, of which is a proud member. The transcript can be found here. Ms. Lords asks me all the major questions about antiwar activism,...
LA vs NSA, vs FBI (or Us vs the Empire)
Thursday, November 14th, 6:30pm at Huffington Center at St. Sophia Cathedral, a coalition of activists will be introducing LA vs NSA: How to Push Back Against Warrantless Spying as part of the Stop NSA Spying Coalition. The Huffington Center is located at 1324...
New UN Report Highlights How US Drone Policy Violates International Law
The United Nations General Assembly just released the latest Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. The report is necessary, in part, because “There is... a notable lack of consensus on how to apply the rules of...
Although Zero Dark Thirty didn’t get the Oscar – – –
Governments survive on myth. Truth is dangerous. As Chief Nazi "Information Officer" Goebbels put it, "...the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State." While the main stream media averts its eyes,...
Stop doing what you’re not doing? AGAIN?
Iran's imaginary nukes and other war-lies: Take 83 - - - It's the sort of bureaucratic lying-by-obfuscation below which caused the U.S. to unnecessarily nuke Japan twice in three days, attack North Vietnam for an incident which Defense Sec. Robert McNamara admits...
Judge, jury & executioner?
Could he [Mr. Obama] order the targeted killing of an American citizen [cleric Anwar al-Awlaki], in a country with which the United States was not at war [Yemen], in secret and without the benefit of a trial? The Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel prepared a...
“The extraordinary has become routine.”
Cato's Julian Sanchez takes a dark grim look at President Obama's kill list. Yes, kill list. No irony quotes necessary.
Old man with long beard apparently murdered in Abbottabad, Pakistan
OK, this is the first anniversary of the U.S. apparently killing someone with a long beard in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The new spin is that Mr. Obama, making a "gutsy call," took the high-risk course of sending in "boots on the ground" rather than...
Dear Department of Justice: Please Investigate Your Old Boss for Material Support of Terrorism!
Dear Department of Justice and Department of Treasury Officials: We might have just helped you bag another material supporter of terrorism this week! And you'll never believe who the culprit is! We were even able to tape record some of his own damning admissions!...
Join Ralph Nader and Lawrence Wilkerson on US Government Reactions to 9/11
On Monday, September 12, 2011 at 12:30pm at Busboys & Poets, 2021 14th St NW; (14th and V St NW), Washington, D.C. Free and open to the public. Ralph Nader and Busboys & Poets will host a thought-provoking roundtable discussion on Monday, September 12, 2011. Looking...