GE On the Anti-Iran Bandwagon

In another ominous sign in the run-up to war with Iran, General Electric announced earlier this month that it was jumping on the bandwagon of hawkish non-profit “American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran, Inc.” (ACANI) signing a pledge to never conduct business in the nation and also pledging not to do business with anyone who owns any property inside Iran unless that property has been abandoned.

ACANI, which regularly runs commercials on all the major cable news channels (including GE-owned MSNBC, which has also been spreading anti-Iran hysteria) accusing Iran of developing nuclear weapons, keeps an “Iran Business Registry” which lists companies in the US and abroad which do business with Iran and urges visitors to contact elected officials to press for action against those companies.

The group’s president, Mark Wallace was the deputy campaign manager of Bush-Cheney ’04, but they also boast two co-founders who are highly placed in the Obama Administration, including Ambassador Richard Holbrooke and Dennis Ross, who is Hillary Clinton’s “special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia, including Iran.”

The Heavy Hand of the State

Hey everybody, check out this awesome interview of James Bovard by Judge Andrew Napolitano about the lawless, and near-lawless, abuse of American persons by the FBI – specifically those arrested and charged last week for merely lying to feds while the subjects of loudly trumpeted terrorism accusations across the TV.

And check out Judge Napolitano’s Web show at Fox News’s Website, where he continues to prove, now every day, that the Bill of Rights is no partisan issue.

Today ACORN, Tomorrow … Lockheed Martin? Northrop Grumman?

Not much can top a federally-funded ACORN associate telling a (supposed) prostitute how she can launder her income — on camera. Except for maybe this:


or this:


Those are guards from the federally-funded ArmorGroup, which has a $184 million contract to protect our embassy in Afghanistan. When these photos emerged from a FOIA request by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), ArmorGroup fired 14 guards for a whole host of inappropriate, and perhaps even illegal activities. Subsequent reports indicate that the guards may have even been involved in running a prostitution ring.

According to Ryan Grim over at Huffington Post, the ironies have not been lost on Democratic lawmakers who have been whipsawed in recent days by legislation passed by the House and Senate to punish ACORN. The  House bill , however, would in essence de-fund any federally-funded organization guilty of a wide range of ethical and legal violations, including fraud. That, according to POGO, would apply not only to ACORN, but to possibly the ArmorGroup, and a long line of federal defense contractors, including tip-toppers like Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin. So far, they have identified 87 cases of fraud among 43 contractors.  Here’s the list — have fun.

Sibel Edmonds’s Big Day

Sibel Edmonds, former contract-FBI translator/whistleblower and “most gagged person in U.S. history” has finally told all – to’s Philip Giraldi. It’s all in the cover story for November’s issue of The American Conservative magazine, “Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?” which hits the stands (and Website) on Tuesday.

Last month, Edmonds was deposed in a civil lawsuit for 6 hours (video and transcript here), and told as much of her story as she ever has, and all together in one place. Now, however, she has gone much further and apparently told Giraldi everything, less sources and methods.

For those who’ve been waiting for the day when this story would break back into the mainstream media, this may be the time to get out your trusty old letter-to-the-editor pen, set your speed-dial to the local morning news radio stations, and make sure to Facebook friend your 2nd cousin at CNN so you can send him a message when the article goes online.

How could they possibly continue to ignore such tales of drugs, guns, spies, lies, bribes, sex, blackmail, terrorism and the nuke black market from such an inside source?

Tuesday on Antiwar Radio, I’ll be speaking with Giraldi, David Rose and Joe Lauria – the journalists who’ve done the best and most “credentialed” reporting on her case – about all of Edmonds’ explosive allegations. Listen live 2-4 Eastern at

Update: Brad Friedman has more details here.

Update II: The interview is now online here.

Update III: My interview of Philip Giraldi and Joe Lauria here.

Update IV: Brad Friedman has much more on this developing story here.

(Cross-Posted at Stress.)