We are fighting back too at Antiwar.com. Please visit The Day We Fight Back for events in your area. If you are in Los Angeles, please join us tonight at Casey’s Irish Pub at 613 South Grand Ave, Los Angeles, California at 7:30pm. Restore The Fourth Los Angeles is...
NSA Surveillance and Our “Almost Orwellian” State
Directly lifted from the Electronic Frontier Foundation blog: January 23, 2014 - 7:30pm Berkeley, CA Join us for "NSA Surveillance and Our ‘Almost Orwellian’ State," hosted by St. John’s Presbyterian Church on Thursday, January 23, 2014. Address: St. John's...
LA vs NSA, Antiwar.com vs FBI (or Us vs the Empire)
Thursday, November 14th, 6:30pm at Huffington Center at St. Sophia Cathedral, a coalition of activists will be introducing LA vs NSA: How to Push Back Against Warrantless Spying as part of the Stop NSA Spying Coalition. The Huffington Center is located at 1324...
New Videos of Edward Snowden Receiving Sam Adams Award
From RT: The first videos of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have surfaced since he received asylum in Russia. The footage, provided by WikiLeaks, was taken during the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence awards ceremony. The video fragments of a...
Video: Glenn Greenwald on GCHQ, NSA, Snowden, and Spying
BBC reporter Kirsty Wark is taking heat today on social networks and blogs for the hostile questions in her interview with Glenn Greenwald. It's unnecessary. Wark's questions are perfect in their assumption of every obvious objection someone in power might have...
Event: “What are the True Goals of the Surveillance State?”
I will be speaking on “What are the True Goals of the Surveillance State?” on Saturday, September 21 at the Peace Resource Center at 1364 Fremont Blvd., Seaside at 2:00 PM PT. Free to the public. Sponsored by Libertarians for Peace, Peace Coalition of Monterey County...
Edward Snowden, Booz Allen Hamilton, “NATO 3”: Connecting the Dots
Today's breaking news is that Edward Snowden - a Booz Allen Hamilton contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA) who released internal NSA documents to The Guardian and The Washington Post - has fled to Latin America. He's been joined by Wikileaks employee Sarah...